Lots of time without bloggage! I beg your forgiveness
So whats new in the life of Leebus? hmm Parma Daze is still going well, last week we struck up a deal with Melbournepubs.com (a MASSIVE site for melbournites) to do some cross promotion between websites - which is definitely good for us, my email account exploded with people suggesting pubs for us ... quite awesome.
Other than work and sleep my life has been pretty much COD: Black ops oriented - if anyone plays on PS3 and feels like some multiplayer fun post your username here and i'll add you, (or you can add me, PS3 gamertag: Hinxey)
hmmmm what else can i show you guys ...
here is some promo design i did recently for the club i do design for - they were quite happy with it, which is good!
I enjoy doing work for Deluxe as they are pretty easygoing with what they want - they basically just give me a general theme idea and let me do my own thing, which is amazingly refreshing when compared to some other clients who send back 50 revisions and change requests until it is exactly how they think it should be, even if how they want it to be isn't possible
My next job for them is for their NYE night, It's Vegas themed so i have to run with that - any ideas?
what else what else. oh! i started another blog - Zeldamania, In my non COD playing time i am playing every Zelda game from start to finish and documenting it there - its not as good as Parma Daze but feel free to check it out!
So thats me! i cant think of anything else to write so I'm opening up the floor to questions
ask anything you want and I promise to answer truthfully!
but enough about me - how are you doing?

So whats new in the life of Leebus? hmm Parma Daze is still going well, last week we struck up a deal with Melbournepubs.com (a MASSIVE site for melbournites) to do some cross promotion between websites - which is definitely good for us, my email account exploded with people suggesting pubs for us ... quite awesome.
Other than work and sleep my life has been pretty much COD: Black ops oriented - if anyone plays on PS3 and feels like some multiplayer fun post your username here and i'll add you, (or you can add me, PS3 gamertag: Hinxey)
hmmmm what else can i show you guys ...
here is some promo design i did recently for the club i do design for - they were quite happy with it, which is good!

I enjoy doing work for Deluxe as they are pretty easygoing with what they want - they basically just give me a general theme idea and let me do my own thing, which is amazingly refreshing when compared to some other clients who send back 50 revisions and change requests until it is exactly how they think it should be, even if how they want it to be isn't possible
My next job for them is for their NYE night, It's Vegas themed so i have to run with that - any ideas?
what else what else. oh! i started another blog - Zeldamania, In my non COD playing time i am playing every Zelda game from start to finish and documenting it there - its not as good as Parma Daze but feel free to check it out!

So thats me! i cant think of anything else to write so I'm opening up the floor to questions

but enough about me - how are you doing?

I'll let you know when my plans are sorted.