This show is my new addiction - I picked up the first three seasons in a 'buy two get one free' deal and have been trying to squeeze as much in as I can, I'd only ever seen an episode here and there but didnt fully discover it till my flight back from LA when they had 4 episodes on the in flight tv-thing, i watched those same 4 episodes at least 5 times during the 20 hour flight, absolutely loved it! in my mind one of the best comedy shows currently on TV (up there with 'Archer', and i enjoyed 'Better off Ted' before it got cancelled)
other than that life is the same, is getting more and more popular by the day, I see it get linked on other websites all the time now which is a massive buzz it probably helps that the guy that runs our competitions website has been AWOL since late 2009 - we did a review last night that was pretty fun, there was a Trivia competition included in the cost of the parma, of course the team that won were the ones that were sneakily using their iphones underneath the table to look up the answers - we decided to take the moral high ground and not stoop to their level and we still came in equal first with them until the final round where they just beat us ... bastards!
work is super busy, as is my after-work social calendar, which is both fun and amazingly exhausting at the same time, i cant remember the last night i just layed in bed, played video games and watched TV with my lady - majorly craving one of those nights at the moment! if nothing changes i should get some of that time in tonight.
id put up some more photos, but i dont have none! sorry guyyyys i guess youll have to wait till next time (therell be some good'uns there i PROMISE) until then ill direct you to this guy takes some AMAZING photos around Melbourne, all on his iphone! jaw dropping stuff here guys, be sure to check it out!
until next time
Love you all! xx
stop watching that dumb show!