just a quick one today, work is busy and im running around like a headless chook.
- Weekend was fantasmic, the hotel was beyond gorgeous (even better with the free booze and food thrown in) ill post pics later
- cirque du soleil was brilliant as usual, Drallion wasnt quite as good as the 'love' show i saw in vegas, but great none the less!!
- EVERYONE should go and check out Casiopea's set in Member Review !!! its 100 different kinds of awesome
- im shooting headshots for the first time tomorrow night, as a favour to a friend, but im still totally nervous! wish me luck haha
- i taught the lady how to play blackjack at the casino yesterday, she picked it up really quickly, but now i think ive created a monster!! haha she has been bugging me to go back since we left
anyway! thats my life so far ... fill me in with how yours has been going!
stay beautiful
just a quick one today, work is busy and im running around like a headless chook.
- Weekend was fantasmic, the hotel was beyond gorgeous (even better with the free booze and food thrown in) ill post pics later
- cirque du soleil was brilliant as usual, Drallion wasnt quite as good as the 'love' show i saw in vegas, but great none the less!!
- EVERYONE should go and check out Casiopea's set in Member Review !!! its 100 different kinds of awesome

- im shooting headshots for the first time tomorrow night, as a favour to a friend, but im still totally nervous! wish me luck haha
- i taught the lady how to play blackjack at the casino yesterday, she picked it up really quickly, but now i think ive created a monster!! haha she has been bugging me to go back since we left

anyway! thats my life so far ... fill me in with how yours has been going!

stay beautiful
ok, i wanna see your weekend pics!!!! pics pics pics
awww i really love talk whit you
*poke* back back
hahaha you are thr first in my "grateful" list....hahaha you know that i adore you