The room was dark. The cool breeze from the fan a stark contrast to the warmth of her naked body pressed against mine. Her skin was smooth, and the fresh bed linens gave easily to our whim. She pulled me closer, breathing on my neck and wrapping her leg around my waist. Overwhelming heat and envelopment as I slide inside her and we begin to move as one. Looking into each others eyes. Eyes that have adjusted to the night to see each others naked form revealed by the moon. She tells me to stop and strains to hold me deep inside as she reaches climax. The mingling scents of her perfume and her arousal are heady and they cloud my thoughts. She begins to move again, pumping and circling and grinding her hips into mine until we climax together and pass into a blissful sleep. The last thing I hear is the sound of her satified panting. Sometime in the night, we break from our lovers' embrace, only to find ourselves blindly searching for the other. As the sun rises to wake us, no words are shared. Only a wink signaling the promise that it will all happen again and soon.
See, I like September best, because that is the real transitional month into fall. And my birthday!