wow i have been totally absent, keeping a low not really just trying to decide what to do with my very average excistence! its not good for inspiring one to write endless nonscence
i finally went a got myself a laptop though so i can take it places and record music, got a mate who plays guitar pretty good and dosen't know it so...
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i finally went a got myself a laptop though so i can take it places and record music, got a mate who plays guitar pretty good and dosen't know it so...
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ahhhh, sunnydale, i love Buffy, well not so much Buffy as the other that profile pic!!
hey, i definetely think the aliens are laughing at us all!!!!
just added a bunch of pic's, all of my guitars and equipment that i use in my home studio....i was going to put them in the guitar group but i havr to download them again! or thats what it seems which is stupid, so i'll give it a miss.
a friend of mine and his brother who live in perth head of to england tomorrow...
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a friend of mine and his brother who live in perth head of to england tomorrow...
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Tip: When someone comments in your journal, respond by commenting in their journal. Otherwise they'll never see your reply.
Tasty Ibanez - I like em old and I like em modded.
Tasty Ibanez - I like em old and I like em modded.
Yep thats the one! Keep your eye out for the article about Extreme Street Preformance (E.S.P. Racing) in a future issue. Sorry not sure which one but could be the next one out.
chocolate,tequila and petrol tastes like fish!! .........don't ask how i know it just does
i have a sore on my ankle thats been there for like 2 years!, last time i had one like that was from a cactus spine that was an inch long and eventually 'popped' out one day..weird
it has been cool though i had a friend vist me, (from like 11...
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i have a sore on my ankle thats been there for like 2 years!, last time i had one like that was from a cactus spine that was an inch long and eventually 'popped' out one day..weird
it has been cool though i had a friend vist me, (from like 11...
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Thanks Glad you like.
Your friend is a stonemason!! Can he build me a house I really don't like the modern day architecture.
Your friend is a stonemason!! Can he build me a house I really don't like the modern day architecture.
yep he just opened his own buisness, i've been trying to get him to make me a headstone for ages
i think im socially retarded and it comes from me living so far from anyone......
its weird, of all the people i know not one be looking at this site
its weird, of all the people i know not one be looking at this site
hmmm i might upload some pics, im not sure my conection is so slow it would take forever.
i've had a hankering to do a series of nightime photos, graveyards, churches, or anything dark and evil, most probably in b&w and green/grey shades.
i just have to get my hardware up to scratch, so hopefully soon
fuckin work!!
i've had a hankering to do a series of nightime photos, graveyards, churches, or anything dark and evil, most probably in b&w and green/grey shades.
i just have to get my hardware up to scratch, so hopefully soon
fuckin work!!
aaahh!! satan bless 5l kegs of heineken
thats one fucked up dream it involved me with gun and various other wepons inflicing pain........interesting
why the fuck can i not view my mail? it very irritating......
then my printer went caplonky!! even better
i came up with the tune for a new song last night though at least thats something i got a an intro and a few bars down' im so shite with lyrics though!....actually
->SEND LYRICS THIS WAY! <- PLEASE thats for anyone who ever wrote any...
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then my printer went caplonky!! even better
i came up with the tune for a new song last night though at least thats something i got a an intro and a few bars down' im so shite with lyrics though!....actually
->SEND LYRICS THIS WAY! <- PLEASE thats for anyone who ever wrote any...
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wow it weird, i really like stevie nicks when im totally stoned
there comes a time when i must move on, forget the shit' i dream to much of the future fuck it time to live in the now
there comes a time when i must move on, forget the shit' i dream to much of the future fuck it time to live in the now
razed in black kicks ass!! im now a big fan of industrial/gothic music, its very nin but still good