for some reason im totally digging ayria at the moment, very un manly i know but can't stop listening to this stuff
aaarg she's totally hot though so its ok
and angelspit, so good if your into industrial/cyberpunk type music
Amelia Tan looks fucking awesome, in fact they have one of the best band images i've ever seen i only just found out there from australia to!! coolness
check them out if your into this sort of music.

mmmmmmm tired, need sleep
started taking liters of green goo, or chlorophyll to some
to help my 'shot to shit' liver, it tastes like ass so it better work
i could just say its to clean my blood' cause the arc reactor buried in my chest is slowly poisoning me......or not

and angelspit, so good if your into industrial/cyberpunk type music
Amelia Tan looks fucking awesome, in fact they have one of the best band images i've ever seen i only just found out there from australia to!! coolness

mmmmmmm tired, need sleep

Hehe thanks^^
well thank u