wow i have been totally absent, keeping a low not really just trying to decide what to do with my very average excistence! its not good for inspiring one to write endless nonscence
i finally went a got myself a laptop though so i can take it places and record music, got a mate who plays guitar pretty good and dosen't know it so hopefully we can get something down. its scary he's never tuned a guitar properly in his life cause he's never owned a tuner but can play awsome riffs and really good rythm and heavy chords, better than more of a lead type guy, my arms carn't handle fast continuous chords cause of the whole dodgy heart thing.
bought a funker vogt cd the other day, good stuff.
i have also been quite bored with not much to watch on video so i did the whole series of buffy in the last week so i feel like im living in sunnydale at the moment
i finally went a got myself a laptop though so i can take it places and record music, got a mate who plays guitar pretty good and dosen't know it so hopefully we can get something down. its scary he's never tuned a guitar properly in his life cause he's never owned a tuner but can play awsome riffs and really good rythm and heavy chords, better than more of a lead type guy, my arms carn't handle fast continuous chords cause of the whole dodgy heart thing.
bought a funker vogt cd the other day, good stuff.
i have also been quite bored with not much to watch on video so i did the whole series of buffy in the last week so i feel like im living in sunnydale at the moment
ahhhh, sunnydale, i love Buffy, well not so much Buffy as the other that profile pic!!
hey, i definetely think the aliens are laughing at us all!!!!