I have to cut my hair tomorrow & get my floor all hairy....lol. It's starting to get out of control again.
I think I might do it differently this time...I'm not sure yet.
I gave myself a testamonial. I rock!
And like I said months ago, I think everyone should add themselves as a friend.
I called my doctor & I got an appointment for 1:45pm, today. I hope to find out why I've been having these intense pains in my abdomin for the past week & also if I'm pregnant.
P.T. results = Negative. In a way, I'm relieved & in a way, I'm really sad.
Relieved : Because I can't afford a kid right now & because I am not with the guy. We're just friends who got drunk one night & ended up in the sack & I still regret it.
Sad : Because I want a child more then anything & I'm terrified that I'll never have that chance. Ever since my miscarraige 6 years ago, I haven't been able to & it kills me.
Abdominal pains = Nothing to worry about unless I keep having them & they get worse.

I gave myself a testamonial. I rock!

I called my doctor & I got an appointment for 1:45pm, today. I hope to find out why I've been having these intense pains in my abdomin for the past week & also if I'm pregnant.
P.T. results = Negative. In a way, I'm relieved & in a way, I'm really sad.
Relieved : Because I can't afford a kid right now & because I am not with the guy. We're just friends who got drunk one night & ended up in the sack & I still regret it.
Sad : Because I want a child more then anything & I'm terrified that I'll never have that chance. Ever since my miscarraige 6 years ago, I haven't been able to & it kills me.
Abdominal pains = Nothing to worry about unless I keep having them & they get worse.
Oh man why do you want to have kids?!?!
I had a miscarriage ages ago when I was 19. My boyfriend at the time was so weird and unemotional. Focker didn't want to talk about it, called it a blessing. It still messes me up sometimes if I think about it too much.
Know this, financially and emotionally one must be stable. Its rough bringing a kid into this world without certain aspects. Is it really fair to raise so many kids in this world that do not have what they need for survival?!?!
I hope you feel better and figure out whats going on with your health. I'll be thinking about yous.