I don't know why, but everytime I click this link, I laugh my ass off. It's so unbelievably stupid, it's funny.....CLICK ME
EDITED@9:26am on May 14
I had a miscarraige 6 years ago & haven't been able to get pregnant since. That kills me, because I want a child more than anything in this world.
Anyway....After 6 years of trying, I think I MIGHT finally be pregnant. I'll let you all know what's going on as soon as I find out for sure.
I'll be calling my doctor (ob/gyn) on Monday to schedule an appointment.

EDITED@9:26am on May 14
I had a miscarraige 6 years ago & haven't been able to get pregnant since. That kills me, because I want a child more than anything in this world.
Anyway....After 6 years of trying, I think I MIGHT finally be pregnant. I'll let you all know what's going on as soon as I find out for sure.
I'll be calling my doctor (ob/gyn) on Monday to schedule an appointment.
yeah I hope he'll be ok too. we're so boggled because he's NEVER been sick..at all..and now he's just beat down. so sad. I just cried last night when he was having a hard time breathing, he's just look up at me with these BIG eyes...and I'd just bust out in tears cuz there was nothing I could do to help him.
but I think the meds the vet gave him today helped a TON.