Thought I'd update before I put on Motorhead and start gettin wasted (tried and tested cure for the blues).
Went out last night and it all went the shape of a pear.
Managed to get the girl I've been hittin on for like a month now to go out for a few drinks and she ended up spending the night talking to this other dude which messed my shit up right and proper. This resulted in me trying to put me fist through a fucking wall ( you can guess who came off worse - still sore so not gonna do that again - the only good thing is that there was no one there to see me do it).
Also after almost 9 weeks I smoked like 5 fags so dissapointed wth meself on that one.
Pretty much wish I'd stayed in.
Oh well.
Lets see what the weekend brings.

hope the weekend gets better - 5 cigs isn't so bad...