Well settled in to my new job and it can only be described as a piece of piss (bonus I was tired of working hard)
Anyway this has allowed me to start using me brain for other activities again something my previous job was not keen on.
First things first - I have become a born again .... Beatlemaniac!!!!
Dunno if this is something many folk on this site is likely to approve of or does the darker side of life also want to live in a octopus' garden?
who knows? (the shadow, thats fer sure)
Also me mate Alan got us a top class Xmas gift - he commissioned a Miracleman scetch for me by a US comics artist called Scott Mills and it fuckin rocks.
Well thats me for now as need to go and get wasted (oh the hardship) so if I dont get the chance b4 the day Merry Christmas one and all.
Big Love
Anyway this has allowed me to start using me brain for other activities again something my previous job was not keen on.
First things first - I have become a born again .... Beatlemaniac!!!!
Dunno if this is something many folk on this site is likely to approve of or does the darker side of life also want to live in a octopus' garden?
who knows? (the shadow, thats fer sure)
Also me mate Alan got us a top class Xmas gift - he commissioned a Miracleman scetch for me by a US comics artist called Scott Mills and it fuckin rocks.
Well thats me for now as need to go and get wasted (oh the hardship) so if I dont get the chance b4 the day Merry Christmas one and all.
Big Love