Thats me half way thru my 6 weeks of not working - Boo hoo
Its gone in mega quick and I have yet to do owt but this should be the week that changes that as Im booked in to get more ink on Tuesday - yay.
Gonnae get me some lightning bolts - yeah
Also next weekend Im down in Brighton for the Comic con so that should be cool - much alcohol will be consumed no doubt.
Never been to Brighton b4 so fucked if I know where Im supposed to be going but its cool as I aint the DA (designated adult) for this trip so sue it'll all work out.
Right now I need to go and find me some cool Lightning images so see ye later.
Its gone in mega quick and I have yet to do owt but this should be the week that changes that as Im booked in to get more ink on Tuesday - yay.
Gonnae get me some lightning bolts - yeah
Also next weekend Im down in Brighton for the Comic con so that should be cool - much alcohol will be consumed no doubt.
Never been to Brighton b4 so fucked if I know where Im supposed to be going but its cool as I aint the DA (designated adult) for this trip so sue it'll all work out.
Right now I need to go and find me some cool Lightning images so see ye later.