WHEW! Is it over?
Ok, ok... How was your C-Mas?
To start, thanks to all my friends for the well wishes n' shit. I love all ya'll.
OK! Well we didn't go to Bakersfield like we planned. Since I had close friends visiting from the Reno and LA areas I decided to stay home. Thursday Necrodamus and I met up with our friends Snell, Mike, Sarina, Chris, T-Dub, Nathan, Pope, Kurt, Brandon, and others at the Owl where we consumed mass quantities of beer. Around 12am we went home and did the Roommate present thing since Necrodamus was leaving on friday. Necrodamus and I bought Andy the series of 'The New Fist of the North Star' DVD's he was stoked. I got Necrodamus a gift card to Best buy since he's the worst person to buy stuff for, Andy Got me a Tool box thing for all my tattoo equipment so I can go tattoo anywhere. SO TIGHT, then Necrodamus bought me 'Skin Shows: The Tattoo Bible'. It's good. So I went to bed.
Friday, supposed to spend with Mike tattooing, Andy went up snowboarding, wished i'd gone. Mike ended up getting called in to work, dammit! So I ended up buying lot's of beer and sitting around the house all day. Around 5:30 ish I went over to my friend Gregg's and his parents for C-Mas Eve. Lot's o' people over there. It was a fun night of Games and booze. I got a bottle of 'Potcheen'. For those who don't know what it is, it is Irish Moonshine. haha. GOOD SHIT! and I got the 'Zombie Survival Guide'. I loves my friends. Everyone but Bryan and I went to midnight mass, we thought Pac-Man was more fun, so we stayed to play it. haha.
Saturday was spent with my bro Andy snowboarding at Sugar Bowl. We had soooo much fun. wOOt. Then we got home, the Pope came over and then Shelby (Andy's new lady) came over later we consumed lot's of beer and forced Shelby to stay til 2am I wonder if she just quit her job? hmmm....
Sunday... Andy, the Pope, Leni, Demon Semen and I all went snowboarding at Sugar Bowl. Again, Rad peoples and Radtastic times. Got home and ordered up some pizza the Pope came over and I tattooed myself on my shin. We watched Season 1 of the 'Ali G Show'.
Oh, I also slung some new ink in my leg... Tattooing oneself is weird. It's only the outline for now. It's on my left Shin.
Now i'm at fucking work. DAMMIT.
Oh well.
New years is almost here....
See you all in the 2005!
Ok, ok... How was your C-Mas?
To start, thanks to all my friends for the well wishes n' shit. I love all ya'll.
OK! Well we didn't go to Bakersfield like we planned. Since I had close friends visiting from the Reno and LA areas I decided to stay home. Thursday Necrodamus and I met up with our friends Snell, Mike, Sarina, Chris, T-Dub, Nathan, Pope, Kurt, Brandon, and others at the Owl where we consumed mass quantities of beer. Around 12am we went home and did the Roommate present thing since Necrodamus was leaving on friday. Necrodamus and I bought Andy the series of 'The New Fist of the North Star' DVD's he was stoked. I got Necrodamus a gift card to Best buy since he's the worst person to buy stuff for, Andy Got me a Tool box thing for all my tattoo equipment so I can go tattoo anywhere. SO TIGHT, then Necrodamus bought me 'Skin Shows: The Tattoo Bible'. It's good. So I went to bed.
Friday, supposed to spend with Mike tattooing, Andy went up snowboarding, wished i'd gone. Mike ended up getting called in to work, dammit! So I ended up buying lot's of beer and sitting around the house all day. Around 5:30 ish I went over to my friend Gregg's and his parents for C-Mas Eve. Lot's o' people over there. It was a fun night of Games and booze. I got a bottle of 'Potcheen'. For those who don't know what it is, it is Irish Moonshine. haha. GOOD SHIT! and I got the 'Zombie Survival Guide'. I loves my friends. Everyone but Bryan and I went to midnight mass, we thought Pac-Man was more fun, so we stayed to play it. haha.
Saturday was spent with my bro Andy snowboarding at Sugar Bowl. We had soooo much fun. wOOt. Then we got home, the Pope came over and then Shelby (Andy's new lady) came over later we consumed lot's of beer and forced Shelby to stay til 2am I wonder if she just quit her job? hmmm....
Sunday... Andy, the Pope, Leni, Demon Semen and I all went snowboarding at Sugar Bowl. Again, Rad peoples and Radtastic times. Got home and ordered up some pizza the Pope came over and I tattooed myself on my shin. We watched Season 1 of the 'Ali G Show'.
Oh, I also slung some new ink in my leg... Tattooing oneself is weird. It's only the outline for now. It's on my left Shin.

Now i'm at fucking work. DAMMIT.
Oh well.
New years is almost here....
See you all in the 2005!
Just working in the bath shop and chillin that is what I have been up to. School is off for this week THANK GOD!!