C-Mas is Bullshit, but I love getting presents...
Alright, it's not a week, but this is the only update you will get out of me til after the holidays...
So let's re-cap the weekend. Friday night was the 'Ground Zero Boardshop' Employee C-Mas party. As per tradition, I got wasted on Sake, 5 years running AJ and the Sake Bombs! Some where mixed in was sitting on the couch with some lovely ladies and hammering back a bottle of 'Cook's' Champegne. WOOOO! Safely made it home. In attendance that night was King, Pope, Necrodamus. I ran into a bunch of friends who I haven't seen in months. Andrew, this guy is training to track down terrorists n' shit. Todd A. A big sweetheart this guy, and his well better half Katherine. Nate, he's sells hand lotion now, he's dead to me...hahaha. All in all a great night, of free booze hot chicks, and good pepoples.
Saturday Andy and I spent running around getting last minute C-mas stuff and I needed to stock up on some Tattoo supplies. My buddy Mike from PA called me, turns out he's livin' in SLT! HOLY SHIT MAN! He's working on getting his ride legal in CA then he's comin' down to visit, now we need to get all you other HxC heads from PA, NJ, NC, NY, and Beantown I know to move out this way. We picked up Rache (Andy's Blood Sis, my Non-Blood Sis) and went to dimple and to Blockbuster. We got some Pizza, salt n' vinegar chips, Mt. Dew and I, Robot. We kicked it and just hung out. Good times.
Sunday, I didn't do a damn thing...
Monday, No plans... outlining Necrodamus' back tonight, and may tattoo 'LEFT' and 'RIGHT' on Andy's feet... don't ask why...
Friends from So Cal coming up on the 23rd. This will be a fun night!!!
I think I may take this week off work so I can be lazy....
Holiday Plans....
Thursday Necrodamus and I are heading down to Bakersfield to hang with his Sis and family for C-Mas... then New Years will be spent with the crew. HOORAH!
Well everyone,
Have a Merry Mutha-Fuckin' Chrimahanukwanzaramadah!!
And Happy New Year!!!!
Alright, it's not a week, but this is the only update you will get out of me til after the holidays...
So let's re-cap the weekend. Friday night was the 'Ground Zero Boardshop' Employee C-Mas party. As per tradition, I got wasted on Sake, 5 years running AJ and the Sake Bombs! Some where mixed in was sitting on the couch with some lovely ladies and hammering back a bottle of 'Cook's' Champegne. WOOOO! Safely made it home. In attendance that night was King, Pope, Necrodamus. I ran into a bunch of friends who I haven't seen in months. Andrew, this guy is training to track down terrorists n' shit. Todd A. A big sweetheart this guy, and his well better half Katherine. Nate, he's sells hand lotion now, he's dead to me...hahaha. All in all a great night, of free booze hot chicks, and good pepoples.
Saturday Andy and I spent running around getting last minute C-mas stuff and I needed to stock up on some Tattoo supplies. My buddy Mike from PA called me, turns out he's livin' in SLT! HOLY SHIT MAN! He's working on getting his ride legal in CA then he's comin' down to visit, now we need to get all you other HxC heads from PA, NJ, NC, NY, and Beantown I know to move out this way. We picked up Rache (Andy's Blood Sis, my Non-Blood Sis) and went to dimple and to Blockbuster. We got some Pizza, salt n' vinegar chips, Mt. Dew and I, Robot. We kicked it and just hung out. Good times.
Sunday, I didn't do a damn thing...
Monday, No plans... outlining Necrodamus' back tonight, and may tattoo 'LEFT' and 'RIGHT' on Andy's feet... don't ask why...
Friends from So Cal coming up on the 23rd. This will be a fun night!!!
I think I may take this week off work so I can be lazy....
Holiday Plans....
Thursday Necrodamus and I are heading down to Bakersfield to hang with his Sis and family for C-Mas... then New Years will be spent with the crew. HOORAH!
Well everyone,
Have a Merry Mutha-Fuckin' Chrimahanukwanzaramadah!!
And Happy New Year!!!!
Good times AJ.
[Edited on Dec 21, 2004 12:33AM]
[Edited on Dec 21, 2004 12:34AM]
My God!
delete mouther fucker!
[Edited on Dec 21, 2004 12:34AM]