Well, Well, Well. Three holes in the ground. One is marked for me.
So, today i did abso-fucking-lutley nothing. I was a lazy bum.
It feels good after being so stressed out.
Have a half day of work tomorrow, meetings... and then work monday and then it's VACA time.
Class went smooth yesterday and i think it's beer:30 here. Official's? YEP that is a definate, it is beer:30.
Blood in blood out.
So, today i did abso-fucking-lutley nothing. I was a lazy bum.
It feels good after being so stressed out.
Have a half day of work tomorrow, meetings... and then work monday and then it's VACA time.
Class went smooth yesterday and i think it's beer:30 here. Official's? YEP that is a definate, it is beer:30.
Blood in blood out.
not AJ as first name, huh... hmmmmmm
have to think on that one.
hope you are well. I am my full time job is about over for now... can you guess?