Lust: any intense desire or craving for self gratification VS. Love: a constellation of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness. A constellation? A constellation! Why did I leave her? I don't really know, but having spent time with her this week end I feel more than ever that I was mistaken. I am by nature impulsive, and mostly I think of that as an attribute. This time I'm beginning to realize I acted impulsively which seems to be very different. Is there a difference? FUCK YES! Being impulsive is be willing. Acting impulsively is not considering what the consequences are. I want her back, but I keep playing it cool. I keep waiting for her to say she'd have me. It's laughable really. I expect the world of someone who has already given it to me. I went climbing with her this week end......*sigh*.......
What should I do? I try to tell her, but I don't want her to run away when she finds out my intent. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! That just sounds like more lies. I wouldn't be where I am now if I would have just been honest in the first place.
She's on a road trip for the next ten days and I can't stand to think of her not being close enough for me to (at least) try to tell her. It's been a year since she was mine. I've hung out with other people and all of them were compared to her. It wasn't fair, but none of them had a fucking shot. She's beautiful, smart, nice, good, athletic, honest, pure, helpful, loving....................................................................................
......................................................................., and not mine. What do I do? I guess I just want you all to tell me to tell her this, but I don't know if I can. Is it lame to write it to her? Am I crazy (Haha I know the answer to that)?
What should I do? I try to tell her, but I don't want her to run away when she finds out my intent. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! That just sounds like more lies. I wouldn't be where I am now if I would have just been honest in the first place.
She's on a road trip for the next ten days and I can't stand to think of her not being close enough for me to (at least) try to tell her. It's been a year since she was mine. I've hung out with other people and all of them were compared to her. It wasn't fair, but none of them had a fucking shot. She's beautiful, smart, nice, good, athletic, honest, pure, helpful, loving....................................................................................
......................................................................., and not mine. What do I do? I guess I just want you all to tell me to tell her this, but I don't know if I can. Is it lame to write it to her? Am I crazy (Haha I know the answer to that)?

the worst thing that can happen is she says no, but at least it's all out on the table, right?