I threw I f**king fireball when I woke up this morning. LUCKILY my house didn't burn down because I've been drinking so much juice I just peed the fire out! YEAH YEAH, My house smells like pee but this fast has given me internal fire and I'm like a freakin' superhero now.
Can anybody help me come up with a name?
I eat tomorrow! Truth be told I don't really care about it too much now. I don't think I could eat much anyways. I mean earlier today I was stuffing this rump roast with cheese and garlic and covering it in beer to marinate, and I didn't even get hungry once! DO YOU THINK that eating that thing as a reward will be a bad idea? HUMMMM???? Well F it I deserve it! I hope I don't chuck it up!
Can anybody help me come up with a name?
I eat tomorrow! Truth be told I don't really care about it too much now. I don't think I could eat much anyways. I mean earlier today I was stuffing this rump roast with cheese and garlic and covering it in beer to marinate, and I didn't even get hungry once! DO YOU THINK that eating that thing as a reward will be a bad idea? HUMMMM???? Well F it I deserve it! I hope I don't chuck it up!

P.S> Chelly that's a joke!

what brought on this fast?