Wellllllllll..... Here I am in another debacle of conscience.
My poor little Nissan Sentra has seen its day. The water pump leaks so every time I want to drive a mile I have to fill the radiator so it doesn't overheat. It's missing the rear vent window and has been rained in for the last month, but it's not worth fixing(due to the break ins that I've dealt with in the past). It burns oil and get WAY less gas mileage than it used to(still not too bad). The brakes are shot and leak brake fluid. the trunk leaks and the battery doesn't work when the temp outside is less than fifty F. SOOOOO!
I need a new car.
In the interest of avoiding interest rates and loans I asked my father to help me with a loan. I was planing on buying a car, but he instantly offered me his(yeah life sucks).
He drives an SUV and I don't know if I should take it for several reason.
I have a great dane. He'll fit!
The 9'2" surfboard no longer causes any problem.
Climbing rack won't get wet in the trunk anymore!
I can actually make it somewhere to climb again.
It's FREE!
Power locks(never had those)
Power windows(never had those)
Gas guzzling monstrosity that is the destructive force murdering this country and the Globe
It's not really free as my Padre will hold it over my head for years.
Higher insurance.
It's RED! (love the color, BUT......a red SUV? I've been making fun of people that drive those for years.
HELP! What do you think? Take it and sell it? Take and visit all of my friends from SG? Take it and go to Outer Backs to surf and climb at different places with three friends and my dogs all the way there?
My poor little Nissan Sentra has seen its day. The water pump leaks so every time I want to drive a mile I have to fill the radiator so it doesn't overheat. It's missing the rear vent window and has been rained in for the last month, but it's not worth fixing(due to the break ins that I've dealt with in the past). It burns oil and get WAY less gas mileage than it used to(still not too bad). The brakes are shot and leak brake fluid. the trunk leaks and the battery doesn't work when the temp outside is less than fifty F. SOOOOO!
I need a new car.
In the interest of avoiding interest rates and loans I asked my father to help me with a loan. I was planing on buying a car, but he instantly offered me his(yeah life sucks).
He drives an SUV and I don't know if I should take it for several reason.
I have a great dane. He'll fit!
The 9'2" surfboard no longer causes any problem.
Climbing rack won't get wet in the trunk anymore!
I can actually make it somewhere to climb again.
It's FREE!
Power locks(never had those)
Power windows(never had those)
Gas guzzling monstrosity that is the destructive force murdering this country and the Globe

It's not really free as my Padre will hold it over my head for years.
Higher insurance.
It's RED! (love the color, BUT......a red SUV? I've been making fun of people that drive those for years.
HELP! What do you think? Take it and sell it? Take and visit all of my friends from SG? Take it and go to Outer Backs to surf and climb at different places with three friends and my dogs all the way there?

So yeah, I guess that you certainly won't find any outdoor rinks in New Orleans. Maybe there are a couple of indoor rinks around.
I've read in the news that the reconstruction of the city is still pretty slow. It's been so long since I've been to Louisiana. Most of my fam down there is based around Shreveport, so I don't usually stray too far from there when in Louisiana.
I was in New Orleans briefly when I was young, but I really should go back. Maybe I'll make it to Mardi Gras one year too. Hmm....where else have I been there? Baton Rouge, Bossier City (of course, being so close to Shreveport) and a few other little places that I can't remember. It's really nice down there, but I always seem to visit during a heatwave. The last time I was there for my cousin's wedding at The American Rose Centre, I ended up getting heat stroke and threw up under magnolia trees. lol Yeah, I have trouble handling lots of heat and humidity.