Daily extended (by Astrology.com)
Have you been thinking about finding a new career -- or giving your current career a major boost? Well, this is a great day to investigate the classes or other professional training you'd have to go through -- sign up right away! You have a real chance to achieve some of your cherished goals right now -- the stars say that...
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Have you been thinking about finding a new career -- or giving your current career a major boost? Well, this is a great day to investigate the classes or other professional training you'd have to go through -- sign up right away! You have a real chance to achieve some of your cherished goals right now -- the stars say that...
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Happy Holidays!

I told her. I told her. Or I guess more correctly put I asked her. I wrote her a letter last night, but like I said she's on the road, so she might not get it for a while. When I woke up this morning my stomach was inside out. AAGGGGG! I feel like sheet! OH the waiting. Cross your fingers for me

i'm hopin for ya, but you'll be fine 

Hope your doing well, and not working out too hard. I was finishing the fifth minute of a downward facing dog this evening when my kittens decided to tag team the hair hanging down in front of my face...........for some reason it made me think of you........don't ask why.
Lust: any intense desire or craving for self gratification VS. Love: a constellation of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness. A constellation? A constellation! Why did I leave her? I don't really know, but having spent time with her this week end I feel more than ever that I was mistaken. I am by nature impulsive, and mostly...
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i recommend you print out this journal and give it to her. because your intention here is simply to get out how you feel, and not 'say the right thing' to her. i'd really love to read someones journal about me, instead of hear what they've been rehearsing saying.
the worst thing that can happen is she says no, but at least it's all out on the table, right?
the worst thing that can happen is she says no, but at least it's all out on the table, right?
You know your going to tell her. wouldn't you rather be disappointed with her answer than with yourself for not having the guts to ask. As for written or in person that kind of depends on her. Would she want you to be completely up front, or would she want a chance to think or consider before being forced to react?
I threw I f**king fireball when I woke up this morning. LUCKILY my house didn't burn down because I've been drinking so much juice I just peed the fire out! YEAH YEAH, My house smells like pee but this fast has given me internal fire and I'm like a freakin' superhero now.
Can anybody help me come up with a name?
I eat tomorrow! Truth...
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Can anybody help me come up with a name?
I eat tomorrow! Truth...
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P.S> Chelly that's a joke!

what brought on this fast?
It's not really that bad today! Yesterday was a bitch though!
Things seem to be"moving" along just fine.
I went for a run today! It's amazing
how carbohydrates really do help
things like that. My legs burned for
the first mile or so, but the music was
good so I just kept on.
Now for the confession:I was playing
video games last...
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It's not really that bad today! Yesterday was a bitch though!
Things seem to be"moving" along just fine.
I went for a run today! It's amazing
how carbohydrates really do help
things like that. My legs burned for
the first mile or so, but the music was
good so I just kept on.
Now for the confession:I was playing
video games last...
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Here WE go!
I'm going to eat a salad and head for the
sack! Tomorrow begins my first three day
fast! Distilled water, pure juices,
watermelon, spirulina, and enemas. YEAH!
I'll keep you all posted. If you run into
me please understand that I might be a little
cranky. Work on Monday
should be fun! Muhahahahah!
I'm going to eat a salad and head for the
sack! Tomorrow begins my first three day
fast! Distilled water, pure juices,
watermelon, spirulina, and enemas. YEAH!
I'll keep you all posted. If you run into
me please understand that I might be a little
cranky. Work on Monday
should be fun! Muhahahahah!

i've been wanting to fast. let me know how it goes, i might do one in about a month and i'd love some advice.
I'M HUNGRY! I think it's the idea that I can't eat that's the worst part so far! Maybe it's time for that watermelon puree.
I also have a headache from a lack of my usual caffeine intake.
I also have a headache from a lack of my usual caffeine intake.

OK. so I got my new truck! It's small and gets great gas mileage, so its time to go on a climbing trip. I just need to get the bed cover so the a Great Dane can ride. Austin here I come. Next stop? Canada LOL
I feel great But I need to get my crazy life under wraps. I've been insane the last two...
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I feel great But I need to get my crazy life under wraps. I've been insane the last two...
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Yes! Definitely...you need to see the Canadian Rockies!!!!!

Hey you!!! Havent heard hide nor hair of you in awhile. How have you been?
wow.......talk about snow bunny! mmmmhmmmm

Happy Valentines!
send me I V-day card and you shall get one in return.
Spead the love!

P.S. if you're in town and are going to Druids tonight tell me where you'll be!
And a happy V-day to you as well
Yeah the stove thing kinda sucks...it was hilarious but sucky.
And I was given access to an oven by a friend.
so all in all I think: fire + exploding batter + frosted sweets = pretty good valentines day.

Yeah the stove thing kinda sucks...it was hilarious but sucky.
And I was given access to an oven by a friend.
so all in all I think: fire + exploding batter + frosted sweets = pretty good valentines day.
Thanks so much for the lovely Valentine! I'm glad that you liked the pics.

Oh no! Get better soon!!!!