Hmm... sitting here, seems like a good time for an update, well, just ordered the parts for a computer I'm gonna build, that should be fun. I need it for skool next year, and to test my web design projects on a PC, as I'm an avid apple fan over here, lol, but ya, lesse, ummm... just got my first print that i've done from deviantArt, it turned out gorgeous, so that was exciting, they are under leavesofdestiny if anyone's interested btw . And I just got a memo on the horrible clothing I have to wear when I work at a boat dealer meeting this summer, ugly navy shorts, and horrible t-shirts and hats, but hey, they're paying me to go to FL and work on the docks, that, I can handle, tho it means I'll miss the early part of warped tour the day i get back... that's sad...
at least u get paid, and still will be able to make part of warped...kudos on the gorgeous picture, o king of photography!!