just another manic monday *ooooOOOooooo* "music plays..." ok, and now for something completely different! week 9 starts off with a bang!!! no, actually it sadly does not, hehe, it starts with the pitter patter of a dismally rainy day, hehe, grey, wet, and unfortunatly, monday, hehe, but that's ok because i have redbull and the motivation of three exams this week, wooot... first up is calculus! let's here it for math! *crickets* point taken, hehe, i don't like math either, well, ok, not much else going on here then, i suppose i should take a shower, get dressed, and trudge my way to class *look to the movie a knight's tale for my interpretation of trudge* oki, WOOOOOOOSH and i'm off!
emotion of the day *antici..................pation*
emotion of the day *antici..................pation*
lol, someone is an RHPS mood? (no idea why)
PIRATE!!!!!! That's savvy!