Man I have dropped the ball on this one, lol. I promise to at least try and keep this updated a little more frequently in the future!, hehe. Let's see... quick version of what's been going on. Wedding planning, graduating college, and becoming a flash game and app developer in pretty short amount of time. Life is going blazing fast, but it's going great and I couldn't ask for anything more!
Check out my webdesign/developer blog at!
Check out my webdesign/developer blog at!
Like I said, you might want to consider joining SGChicago. When you apply, send a private message to Apexxx, the group owner, and tell him that you met some of us at the group event. Also, if you knew Sauda from before last night -- I think you might've but I'm not sure -- you could mention that too. I'm sure he'll let you in, based on either one of those things. I'd encourage you to get Platypus to join too.
Anyway, congratulations on getting married, and on graduating. That's great.