ok, i know it's been a really long time since i updated this last and i apologize, and feel it's about time to make it right and bring everyone up to speed...
well, first things first, i'm back as school with my beloved fiance Platypus_C and getting along with classes, some digital video, some web programming, psych of human sexuality, and a bunch of other bullshit like statistics, and foundational computer science, i.e. wtf CS really is, lol, so ya, classes are classy as they should be, and things in my life are going fairly well believe it or not, well as well as can be expected, there's always the little drama, but nothing too major on my front just now, unfortunatly i'm dealing with some drama not of my own, but of some people i really truly care about, so hopefully it will all end up alright, but to summarize lately...
summer, fun, but not nearly as productive as i'd hoped...
perplex city... addictive as always, if you don't know what it is, google it, you'll either be glad you did, or your head will explode from trying to get around wtf it is, hehe
my fiance... as amazing as always, i wouldn't survive without her, hopefully i'll actually keep this relatively up to date... if not myspace can be a good way to keep tabs... just no stalking please, i'd hate to get my hands covered in blood again, i just finally got that damn spot out... (sorri for the bad shakespeare joke... couldn't be helped) so ya, hope to talk to you all soon!
well, first things first, i'm back as school with my beloved fiance Platypus_C and getting along with classes, some digital video, some web programming, psych of human sexuality, and a bunch of other bullshit like statistics, and foundational computer science, i.e. wtf CS really is, lol, so ya, classes are classy as they should be, and things in my life are going fairly well believe it or not, well as well as can be expected, there's always the little drama, but nothing too major on my front just now, unfortunatly i'm dealing with some drama not of my own, but of some people i really truly care about, so hopefully it will all end up alright, but to summarize lately...
summer, fun, but not nearly as productive as i'd hoped...
perplex city... addictive as always, if you don't know what it is, google it, you'll either be glad you did, or your head will explode from trying to get around wtf it is, hehe
my fiance... as amazing as always, i wouldn't survive without her, hopefully i'll actually keep this relatively up to date... if not myspace can be a good way to keep tabs... just no stalking please, i'd hate to get my hands covered in blood again, i just finally got that damn spot out... (sorri for the bad shakespeare joke... couldn't be helped) so ya, hope to talk to you all soon!

happy v-day hun!
happy (now late, lol) birthday love! *nuzza!*