wow... sometimes travel is crazy... so I'm on Nantucket Island right now off of Cape Cod, Mass... we left indiana by plane, which was 30 min. late, and landed in detroit and had to run to make it in time to our flight to boston, which ended up being 45 min. late... then we got to boston and were informed that no flights were going to or from the island due to the weather conditions, this is already around 5 or 6 hours of travel time, so we wait 30 min. outside for a bus... then an over 2 hour bus ride to a place called hyanis, then a cab ride to the steamship dock, then our ferry is cancelled, luckily there's a freight ferry leaving 15 min. later that they let us on... the original ferry was one hour, the freighter is 2.5 hours to get there... ugh, so yes, finally we mad it to the island, that was on sat. now it's monday and we're still hearing stories of people that weren't able to make is out here yet... so we're very happy that the long way still got us here... now i'm just relaxing and getting ready for a hectic though hopefully exciting summer, reading alot, and continually being addicted to the myst series of computer games, few things are as fun as being thrown on an island (ironically enough) and being told nothing about it, lol, alright, well i'm out of here and i'll talk to you all later!
and now since i'm near the ocean... where they do alot of whale hunting, i give to you... a pirate... arg!

Haha, again, i'm really glad i wasn't with u for this trip...all that travel would have been awful!! but i'm glad u get to get away and enjoy some space on a pretty's just grey and crappy here, lol. still, i miss u so much!!
can't wait to see you again..

see ya Its been grand, enjoy the new AFI album I may see you on the DF message board sometime, I go by the name Cenobite