man... today was a HELL day... i had to wake up super early, just to drive an hour and take out the pier at a lake house... on nov 5... water is COLD on nov 5... so ya, even tho this year we had waders (we weren't so lucky before...) even putting a finger in the water really stung... then came the stress-sickness... i have a "minor situation" going on right now, which really just amounts to asking my parents permission to get an apartment with my gf next year... ya i know, i have to ask them... it's lame, i'm lame, whatever, but unforutunatly, i'm not afforded that freedom yet... but anyway, so i was gonna spend all day buttering them up, and getting up the courage to ask them for something that at least one of them is more than likely morally opposed to... but my brother, sister-in-law, niece, and their chiahuahua(sp)... you try psyching urself up with a hilariously hyper 2.5 year old girl jumping on ur recently mexican food filled stomach, and a cute hyper chiahuahua around... not the best of times... my body has decided to rebel... stress makes me so sick tho...
*super tight hugs* it's's all over now...
and at least u got to spend time with supercute niece, or something, lol...
dude, things will get better... don't get stressed out about moving in with a girl, or rather asking permission to. there's time for all of that in your life. even if things don't work out this time around, she'll still be there later right?