Woot! Time for an update! *does the update dance whilst singing the update song*
Instead of the class "wow, it's been a while, I'll post more often" promise of usual that never ends up coming to fruition, I'm just gonna update now, and who knows when the next time will be! It'll be like a surprise. And surprises always make things better don't they?
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Instead of the class "wow, it's been a while, I'll post more often" promise of usual that never ends up coming to fruition, I'm just gonna update now, and who knows when the next time will be! It'll be like a surprise. And surprises always make things better don't they?
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We are organizing a small event this Thurs. Check out the Indy group!
Wow, it's been FOREVER! well, over seven months anyway! So let's see, what's new here?
Well I'm living in Indianapolis with my amazing wife, our wonderful hamster Bellatrix LaFuzz passed away shortly after we moved. We moved up a pet size and got a fantastic kitty named Evey (as in Evey Hammond from V for Vendetta). I am working a dream job at a great...
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Well I'm living in Indianapolis with my amazing wife, our wonderful hamster Bellatrix LaFuzz passed away shortly after we moved. We moved up a pet size and got a fantastic kitty named Evey (as in Evey Hammond from V for Vendetta). I am working a dream job at a great...
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Happy Birthday Mr. I-Can't-Be-Bothered-To-Update-My-Blog

echoing Platypus_C in her post also, it was great to meet everyone at the show in Chicago last night, the show was awesome and i had a great time! Hmm... I'm sure there's something else to put here... nope, but maybe tomorrow! Oh and because apparently I didn't write a post about it, feel free to check out my site at http://www.streetalchemydesign.com
Man I have dropped the ball on this one, lol. I promise to at least try and keep this updated a little more frequently in the future!, hehe. Let's see... quick version of what's been going on. Wedding planning, graduating college, and becoming a flash game and app developer in pretty short amount of time. Life is going blazing fast, but it's going great and...
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Hi Leaves. It was fun meeting you and Platypus at 80s Flashback last night.
Like I said, you might want to consider joining SGChicago. When you apply, send a private message to Apexxx, the group owner, and tell him that you met some of us at the group event. Also, if you knew Sauda from before last night -- I think you might've but I'm not sure -- you could mention that too. I'm sure he'll let you in, based on either one of those things. I'd encourage you to get Platypus to join too.
Anyway, congratulations on getting married, and on graduating. That's great.
Like I said, you might want to consider joining SGChicago. When you apply, send a private message to Apexxx, the group owner, and tell him that you met some of us at the group event. Also, if you knew Sauda from before last night -- I think you might've but I'm not sure -- you could mention that too. I'm sure he'll let you in, based on either one of those things. I'd encourage you to get Platypus to join too.
Anyway, congratulations on getting married, and on graduating. That's great.
ugh... wow it's been a while!! but things are going pretty well, i'm currently working at my first real job which is for one of my professors... which poses it's own interesting challenges, but otherwise it's pretty great, i'm getting paid to do a corporate website for a manufacturing place in indy, so that's pretty awesome, though learning first hand just how annoying clients can...
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Holy Shit, your alive... Happy Birthday and I'd buy you a drink, but you don't drink so I'll have one for you instead.
hehe, podell's silly...and fuck, you ARE alive...SG alive, neway
p.s. you are oh-so very sweet!

p.s. you are oh-so very sweet!
ok, i know it's been a really long time since i updated this last and i apologize, and feel it's about time to make it right and bring everyone up to speed...
well, first things first, i'm back as school with my beloved fiance Platypus_C and getting along with classes, some digital video, some web programming, psych of human sexuality, and a bunch of other...
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well, first things first, i'm back as school with my beloved fiance Platypus_C and getting along with classes, some digital video, some web programming, psych of human sexuality, and a bunch of other...
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happy v-day hun!
happy (now late, lol) birthday love! *nuzza!*
wow... it's been a while, not too terribly much going on, just kinda... bein', hehe, looking for places with my fiance for us to get married at!! which is pretty exciting! as are the coming NIN and AFI concerts next week!!! i'll hopfulli have good stories to post then, till then, argh i'm a pirate!


not really uh-oh, just didn't realize certain things, lol. and i'm kinda excited..i'm also freaking just a little bit...i dunno, lol!!
wow... sometimes travel is crazy... so I'm on Nantucket Island right now off of Cape Cod, Mass... we left indiana by plane, which was 30 min. late, and landed in detroit and had to run to make it in time to our flight to boston, which ended up being 45 min. late... then we got to boston and were informed that no flights were going...
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Haha, again, i'm really glad i wasn't with u for this trip...all that travel would have been awful!! but i'm glad u get to get away and enjoy some space on a pretty island...it's just grey and crappy here, lol. still, i miss u so much!!
can't wait to see you again..

see ya Its been grand, enjoy the new AFI album I may see you on the DF message board sometime, I go by the name Cenobite
man it's been a while since i've been on here, and i really don't even have the time to be right now, but what the hell, i feel like it, lol, just working on huge fucking projects as per usual, listening to the BH retrospective (which is prolly what made me think to update this, lol), and ya, i dunno, i've been really stressed lately,...
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hey you!! sorry about the shitty roommate...but hey, look at it this way-4 more weeks, and u don't have to see that fucker ever again!!..unless we invite him and heather to the reception, then u will, lol, but you're under no obligation to kiss his ass, hehe! at we're almost done with the week, blahblah...
either way, bliss is on it's way!! oo, i rhymed...

hey decemberunderground
what do you think of miss murder not too keen on it but it may grow, girls not grey did. the rest of the album was awesome so fingers crossed for june 6
what do you think of miss murder not too keen on it but it may grow, girls not grey did. the rest of the album was awesome so fingers crossed for june 6
yay for 3am on a skool night... you have to love project/lab based majors/minors, but it's ok, because at least with this system, when you finish a project, you have something to show for your work ya know? i'm now offically half way through one of my biggest projects yet, lol, and it's due monday along with a billion things, so that'll be fun, but...
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Happy Birthday muthafucka!!
i love you!!

Hey happy birthday for the 4th, I didn't realize but just happened to be on the despair faction message board and saw your name in the birthday list. I go by the name cenobite on there and have been a DF member since 2004, how long have you been a member.
ahh, another sunday, another drive back, but this one should be slightly less stressful because as of today my whole housing situation for more than the next 12 months is all under control, which is good because i've been really freaking out about it lately. i was worrying about fiding an apartment next year and just couldn't muster up the courage to call people about...
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wtg again on the single room baybe!! and good idea, i never thought of the radio show as a way to get over your phone-a-phobia...haha, for Death fears nothing!!
(btw, first show=total kick ass!!!)
(btw, first show=total kick ass!!!)
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
[Edited on Feb 14, 2006 4:52AM]

[Edited on Feb 14, 2006 4:52AM]
well, it's about 1 a.m. on wed. morning... i have a 10:30 class and i just spent the last MANY hours in photoshop doing some raster textures for a class... i have to do 12 photo-realistic textures based on magazine clippings in like a week and a half... and they have to be from scratch, no imported photos or anything easy like that unfortunatly, but...
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ha ha you are gonna have fun, I would send some help if I could, Photoshop is my specialty. Good luck
gotta love Indiana weather!
and skewl'll get better-it has no choice, lol!!