Well haven't wrote to much lately. But I guess I like to start out by saying that goodness for tax returns, also thank goodness its Friday. Looking forward to the party my little brother is throwing. Usually packs about 150 people into his tiny as house, and gets some bands, and well its a dope time. To anyone in the Rutgers area of New Brunswick, well maybe I see you there. Later all, enjoy the weekend!
More Blogs
Friday Dec 12, 2008
Don't know about everyone else but sucks to hear about Bettie Page pa… -
Monday Dec 01, 2008
So hope everyone had as much fun as I did this past Thanksgiving week… -
Wednesday Nov 26, 2008
So just want to say to everyone have a insane crazy, safe night tonig… -
Monday Nov 24, 2008
What a weekend. I got to say I love New Jersey and my buddy for comin… -
Thursday Nov 20, 2008
So its a Thursday and can't wait to end the work week. Its a weekend … -
Monday Nov 03, 2008
Well just got back onto the world on SG, and I got to say the month t… -
Saturday Sep 08, 2007
Hey what you got is what I like and that's why I am here. And also I …