Well haven't wrote to much lately. But I guess I like to start out by saying that goodness for tax returns, also thank goodness its Friday. Looking forward to the party my little brother is throwing. Usually packs about 150 people into his tiny as house, and gets some bands, and well its a dope time. To anyone in the Rutgers area of New Brunswick, well maybe I see you there. Later all, enjoy the weekend!
More Blogs
Tuesday Sep 01, 2009
University of Michigan this weekend for the Opening Day game! Can't f… -
Tuesday Aug 18, 2009
Is it just me or is today a day to be extremely horny?! Where is a la… -
Thursday Aug 13, 2009
So if you want to check me and my friends in a Chippendales style dan… -
Monday Jul 27, 2009
So I haven't written in quite awhile but wanted to share one of the f… -
Friday Apr 03, 2009
So I feel like being artistic and decking out some new photos. Anyone… -
Tuesday Mar 24, 2009
The world is a crazy place. I meet people everywhere and for one reas… -
Tuesday Mar 03, 2009
Just got to say awesome weekend in Philly at the Tattoo Conventinon. … -
Thursday Feb 26, 2009
Wow so haven't written here in a while. Just thought I put up that I … -
Friday Feb 06, 2009
Well haven't wrote to much lately. But I guess I like to start out by… -
Friday Jan 23, 2009
Wow Friday already, WOOHOOO!!!! Looking forward to this weekend, caus…