another fucking mental wkend.
kinda gone off the rails lately.
firstly, i gotta thank my friend eddie for getting the most brilliant random pressent ever. while he was in america, at the hellfest, he got me a signed picture of hel, wishing me happy bday!
go on, tell me how jelous you all are!

ok, so friday night = sguk northern meetup/ asha's and my bday party!
after a train journey to manchester, arriving quite late at the star and garter at 9pmish. got to chat to new ppl and catch up with new friends. glad abbadon made it up with cavelle, that boy is fucking ace. met the stunning asha again, who was looking tremendously stunning in her zebra co-ordinated outfit, very impressive.
after trying to catch up on drinks with everyone (there was no way i was gonna be able to catch up with kieth!) we made a move for jillys via a subway sandwich ummummfff!

jillys was quite a cool club, the mainstream room was quite varied and not TOO mainstream, but i was surprised to find myself in the techno/goth room most night and loving it!
later i got upclose and personal with the gorgeous bex, which was easily the highlight of the night. keep an eye out for her as she's a definate future suicide girl. soooooo cute in those glasses mmmm

by the way, bex has been good enough to draw me from memory so check out my pics number 20.

k so, 5 am and i'm fit to drop, couldn't keep my eyes open any longer so staggered to picadilly train station!

hopped on a train at 6 then got woken up at sheffield station to be informed" this train terminates here". shit. ii live in scunthorpe. the next train was hours away so i give my student friends a ring. bearing in mind its 7am in the morning, they're still up! go round to mateys house, success a bed!
got woken up at 12 ish with a joint in my face! another success! ah well only 4 hours sleep. nemind. procede in getting totally wasted. after far too many joints, at around 8pm i go round to see other friends, taking beers and spliffs with me. stayed up till 3 getting further drunk and stoned. watching hackers, and mars attacks! great night #2
sunday, hmmm, maybe its about time i went home, i have gotta catch a train to scunny still, then drive to london to be at work at 8 mon morning.
naa mate, come for a pint , just one.
well ok then, as its just one!
get to the pub around 4pm
have one
ah well just one more then,
fuck it lets get pissed!

just to add to the drunkeness, new friend bernie treats us to jamaca's finest, which knocked the shit out of us. that stuff is strong...but niiiiice!

watched a shitty cheesy local band play golden oldies then after kick out time went to bernies house for a smoke on the roof! how non of us died i have no idea. such a nice view of sheffield though. bedtime came around 3am.
i have to be at work in 5 hours!? my cars in scunthorpe, i'm in sheffield. i'm pissed i'm stoned how the fuck am i supposed to drive anywhere tommorrow?
monday morning comes, 10 am. oh, i'm two hours late for work, 250 miles from work, 50 miles from my car. poop.

its now half 8 mon night, i've still gotta get to london to start work in the morning.
my body is

the worst thing is. this has been a reoccouring situation for the last 3 weekends!
a nice relaxing wkend at work next weekend methinks.
i do go on sometimes don't i?
i'll carry on then!...
got my $430 worth of goodies through the post, some of which i modeled at the sg do on fri! i love getting new merchandise!

k.. i'll stop, everyone left hours ago, and i suppose i'd better get my dirty stopout ass to london.
take care kids x x x
soap! or darren as he prefers
Will make it up to you