jeez i've bin such a lazy ass this last fortnight. my appologys for not replying or greeting most ppl.
first things first. after month's of teasing my best pal with pics of suicidegirls he finally caved in and joined tonight. be a mate and go give him shit for me!
he's adorable and cool and a little fucker, cept he's bigger than me now. go on...
sg do was good fun but too short, next time more beer, later night. more beer i consume the more i open up and less shy i become, so sorry to the new members i met for not talking to em much. last sg do i met nic...ummmf!
this sg do i met asha, UMMMmmmf! jeeez...
well, last journal i told you bout my spending fetish, so i decided enough was enough, i HAD to stop myself from blowing all my money. i tell ya, i made myself proud and hope you're proud o me too. all weekend i refrained from going anywhere near shops, i just stopped at home and tinkered on the net, it worked a treat... til sunday night...BLAM... $430 on one website. help me... please...
ah well you should see the ummmmf stuff i got.
later brothers and sisters!
you know what, its my first year anniversary as an SGmember
holey shit, ok... i bet a few of you can boast convincing a friend to join sg, but i managed to get two in two nights!!!!!!
who tha man?...learoy!
so, you got two ppl to go bug now, and only girlblue and abaddon have done as they're told so far, shame on you guys.
loveissuicide is his name so go go go.
give him a smack or summat, or a x, he likes x's. in fact he always seems to like triple x's? whats that all about?
cheers guys
EDIT 3: shit, the letter _ is pl_ying up on my shitty l_ptop, looks like _ trip to seseme street.... _rse
first things first. after month's of teasing my best pal with pics of suicidegirls he finally caved in and joined tonight. be a mate and go give him shit for me!
he's adorable and cool and a little fucker, cept he's bigger than me now. go on...
sg do was good fun but too short, next time more beer, later night. more beer i consume the more i open up and less shy i become, so sorry to the new members i met for not talking to em much. last sg do i met nic...ummmf!

well, last journal i told you bout my spending fetish, so i decided enough was enough, i HAD to stop myself from blowing all my money. i tell ya, i made myself proud and hope you're proud o me too. all weekend i refrained from going anywhere near shops, i just stopped at home and tinkered on the net, it worked a treat... til sunday night...BLAM... $430 on one website. help me... please...
ah well you should see the ummmmf stuff i got.
later brothers and sisters!

you know what, its my first year anniversary as an SGmember

holey shit, ok... i bet a few of you can boast convincing a friend to join sg, but i managed to get two in two nights!!!!!!
who tha man?...learoy!
so, you got two ppl to go bug now, and only girlblue and abaddon have done as they're told so far, shame on you guys.
loveissuicide is his name so go go go.
give him a smack or summat, or a x, he likes x's. in fact he always seems to like triple x's? whats that all about?

cheers guys

EDIT 3: shit, the letter _ is pl_ying up on my shitty l_ptop, looks like _ trip to seseme street.... _rse
Just felt like wasting some space in your journal...
SiNgS: lalala la la!