So that's me paid up to be a member for another year and it's got me thinking, maybe I should start being a more active suicidedude. Many years ago when SG was a baby I used to go to the very first SGUK meets and had quite a few friends on here. We've all left at some point since then but I came back a...
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So did the being a social bunny work?x
Ha nope I'm just chillin in the shadows heavy breathing. No one has complained yet.
So... It's been nearly 9 years since I last frequented this site. So much has happened, good times bad times, tears laughter pain!
I'm wondering if any of my old friends are still on here? I hope so but I doubt it. If you know me Give me a prod if you DON'T know me give me a prod too, always looking for new friends...
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.... Hi :p
Haha see, random person!
hmm, sorry but i aint arsin about writing a long un, i'm in a lazy mood, as per
i'm going to lloret de mar in spain on wednesday! near barcelona. i'm going for a week of raving in the sun, dancing on the sand, shagging in the sea! drum and bass and hardcore all week long. i can not wait.
i'm going to lloret de mar in spain on wednesday! near barcelona. i'm going for a week of raving in the sun, dancing on the sand, shagging in the sea! drum and bass and hardcore all week long. i can not wait.
Happy birthday madman

bonne anniversaire mon petit lionceau 

look for miss meemee's post
lets see if i got this right? somone gets booted from this site for having an opinion and harmlessly voicing that opinoin??? what the fuck is that all about? obviously no offence was intended for fucks sake. freedom of speech, aint that what the internets all about, what i thought this site was all about. what was said was all...
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lets see if i got this right? somone gets booted from this site for having an opinion and harmlessly voicing that opinoin??? what the fuck is that all about? obviously no offence was intended for fucks sake. freedom of speech, aint that what the internets all about, what i thought this site was all about. what was said was all...
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i dont understand what you mean... are you annoyed about the comment i made back to her? shes allowed freedom of speech as much as i am, for sure, but if she has an aversion to say, people in the army, then why come in to a thread specifically about it? im proud of my friends and family who are fullfilling their mandatory army service, and if i happen to think israeli soldiers are hot, then thats my choice. and if a little conversation about reality helps keep their minds off the war zone around them, then thats a good thing! no one is glamorizing war - its just like saying that american soldiers in uniform are hot... im sure you know people that drool at the sight of a british soldier...
and dont blame me for her being zotted. if she pissed someone in the administration off, then that was her doing. its not like someone on that thread went and ratted on her, not to my knowledge at least. does her being zotted even have anything to do with that thread? maybe it was something totalyl unrelated. im really not sure what you want from me.
[Edited on Apr 30, 2005 12:14PM]
and dont blame me for her being zotted. if she pissed someone in the administration off, then that was her doing. its not like someone on that thread went and ratted on her, not to my knowledge at least. does her being zotted even have anything to do with that thread? maybe it was something totalyl unrelated. im really not sure what you want from me.
[Edited on Apr 30, 2005 12:14PM]
geeeeeeeeeeeeeeezerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr we will soon be net hoes
oxford dictionary says you pronounce it cly-toris.
i now have net at home, so yeah..for ages i wanted to go online to search for tingas but hmmm, my minds blank, where should i go what should i do.
oh, just cos i'm online a lot now don't mean i'm gonna say much, next post 14/07/05!
i seam to be in an arsey mood a lot...
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i now have net at home, so yeah..for ages i wanted to go online to search for tingas but hmmm, my minds blank, where should i go what should i do.
oh, just cos i'm online a lot now don't mean i'm gonna say much, next post 14/07/05!
i seam to be in an arsey mood a lot...
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so, i'm writing an entry, well done me.
lets make it a big one eh, the type that you really open yrself up to and get personal, the type people can never be arsed to read!
ok. i should start by appologising for being a shit friend(FUCK. why do i ALWAYS spell it FREINDS? I before E except after C...I before E except aft...) and...
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lets make it a big one eh, the type that you really open yrself up to and get personal, the type people can never be arsed to read!
ok. i should start by appologising for being a shit friend(FUCK. why do i ALWAYS spell it FREINDS? I before E except after C...I before E except aft...) and...
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Andy C @ Heaven.... it was WIKKID...

i cant realy give some one advise who is older than me and has gave me the best advise ever since i have known him but keep yr chin up bro and party oh yeah is you wanna hear some punk n noise and listen to... das oath youl love em x
its xmas, guess its that time of the year to do an update!
hope all your xmas wish's come true.
see you next year, same time same place
hope all your xmas wish's come true.
see you next year, same time same place
Yearly updates now? Hope you had a good one squire!
sorry i dont think i can sort it, ah well :/
right had me phone swiped again!
could everyone who knows me give me their numbers please
this is my temp number-07785584654
cheers must rush
could everyone who knows me give me their numbers please
this is my temp number-07785584654
cheers must rush
you know i was only messin, i love you guys!
if you check the date of that post about the meet it was right before that meet you DID come to. sarah told me you both couldn't come but then you came anyway. and you saw manko with your own eyes!!! you said she was fit but scary. she was wearing a pvc dress and was sat on the table remember. dude, your memory sucks. maybe your new years resolution should be to cut back on the old beans
and yes we should all get wasted but drunk n not monged! i kinda wana come to scunneh cos ive never been before. am i missin out on much? im in ponti til at least mon i think. then prob leeds tues til thurs again.
if you check the date of that post about the meet it was right before that meet you DID come to. sarah told me you both couldn't come but then you came anyway. and you saw manko with your own eyes!!! you said she was fit but scary. she was wearing a pvc dress and was sat on the table remember. dude, your memory sucks. maybe your new years resolution should be to cut back on the old beans
and yes we should all get wasted but drunk n not monged! i kinda wana come to scunneh cos ive never been before. am i missin out on much? im in ponti til at least mon i think. then prob leeds tues til thurs again.
yea that looks really awesome, esp the technodrome!!!
off around ponti tonight. whooppee. yea its really quite dull but nice to see old mates.
im just off to stay in manchester with some mates for new years. hannahs dude its havin a massive party.
im givin up pills for my new years resolution
for a whole year!
my brain has gone :/
i'm not the brainbox i used to be
anyway drinkin doesnt make people look as scary
its weird tho cos back in the day pills didnt used to make me look so mashed, maybe they were better then or maybe i overdo it now....or maybe my body just doesnt want them anymore
that could be my last time with the sweeties for a year
[Edited on Dec 24, 2004 5:49PM]
off around ponti tonight. whooppee. yea its really quite dull but nice to see old mates.
im just off to stay in manchester with some mates for new years. hannahs dude its havin a massive party.
im givin up pills for my new years resolution
for a whole year!
my brain has gone :/
i'm not the brainbox i used to be
anyway drinkin doesnt make people look as scary
its weird tho cos back in the day pills didnt used to make me look so mashed, maybe they were better then or maybe i overdo it now....or maybe my body just doesnt want them anymore
that could be my last time with the sweeties for a year
[Edited on Dec 24, 2004 5:49PM]
things are lookin up y'all, we got our jobs back! we crippled productivity on site by picketing the gate, the meffs they got to replace us were too incompitent to do the job, we demonstrated outside the f.a. headquarters and at various other events and i even got on the 6 o'cock news! check me out mum innit. so eventually they had no choice but...
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your brain is going to turn to mush if you keep ravin this much 

itz halloween this week-end!
have fun baby!!
