Fourteen weeks to the day until the military gives me that nice letter saying I've got 20 years of creditable service.
I'm debating staying in (since they don't seem inclined to medically retire me like they were inclined to do ten months ago or so) or getting out.
If I get out, I'm debating growing a full on crazy Viking beard that I can braid. Being required to be clean shaven for most of your adult life can put strange ideas in your head.
I'm debating staying in (since they don't seem inclined to medically retire me like they were inclined to do ten months ago or so) or getting out.
If I get out, I'm debating growing a full on crazy Viking beard that I can braid. Being required to be clean shaven for most of your adult life can put strange ideas in your head.
A beard like that would be really cool. Still, I don't think it should be the determining factor in your decision. 

We had a civilian contractor on my FOB in A'stan that I don't know if he was Asatru or doing a full on Gimli the dwarf impersonation or what, but had this massive red beard with rune-carved silver rings all braided up in it. My money was on Gimli the dwarf, but maybe that was because Afghanistan does a credible impersonation of Mordor. Anyway, I think his employers eventually made him shave, but I can't imagine what the Afghans thought about his beard in the meantime.