today is friday. it's like any other day to us here on deployment. tonight, i will go to sleep early only to wake up early and begin another day of work. how un-exciting.
HOWEVER (and i must capitalize it to create emphasis), i only have a couple of more fridays like this, and then it will be back to the fridays i am use too- trying to figure out what to do and where to go and whom to drink with....i'm not even a big drinker, but i miss having the option to decide if i am going to drink or not.
other good news.....i have less than a week left of the online class i am taking. i HATE (again with the capitalizing of the letters to create emphasis) this class. it is boring and wasteful. it's one of those beginner classes that i have to take that is required by the school. gay. gayness times a million. i am so ready for it to end. it's not a hard class at all. it's just painful because i don't want to take it. but, anyway- it's almost over, and then i can begin taking art classes. go me! on the 10th, i begin a visual indication class and it will entail drawing, perspective, and coloring with prisma color markers. that's sexy.
currently, i have been watching the tv show Heroes with my room mate. I don't know if anyone else has seen it. it's not bad, and i'm really starting to get into it. while watching it, i have been knitting a blue and red striped scarf. i love knitting. it makes me feel very grandma-like and cool at the same time. i sit in the chair in front of the tv, actively engaged in the show, and knit, knit, knit away..... i am now able to knit without having to look at the needle and yarn. i can't wait to be in close proximity to a yarn/craft store again. i want to knit an afghan, but can't because i have a very limited amount of yarn while deployed. as soon as i get back to the states, i won't have to worry about running out of yarn. if i do, i can just go to the store and buy more. awesome.
okay, so....i'm done. i have to finish an assignment for this dumb class i am taking. f*in gross......
HOWEVER (and i must capitalize it to create emphasis), i only have a couple of more fridays like this, and then it will be back to the fridays i am use too- trying to figure out what to do and where to go and whom to drink with....i'm not even a big drinker, but i miss having the option to decide if i am going to drink or not.
other good news.....i have less than a week left of the online class i am taking. i HATE (again with the capitalizing of the letters to create emphasis) this class. it is boring and wasteful. it's one of those beginner classes that i have to take that is required by the school. gay. gayness times a million. i am so ready for it to end. it's not a hard class at all. it's just painful because i don't want to take it. but, anyway- it's almost over, and then i can begin taking art classes. go me! on the 10th, i begin a visual indication class and it will entail drawing, perspective, and coloring with prisma color markers. that's sexy.
currently, i have been watching the tv show Heroes with my room mate. I don't know if anyone else has seen it. it's not bad, and i'm really starting to get into it. while watching it, i have been knitting a blue and red striped scarf. i love knitting. it makes me feel very grandma-like and cool at the same time. i sit in the chair in front of the tv, actively engaged in the show, and knit, knit, knit away..... i am now able to knit without having to look at the needle and yarn. i can't wait to be in close proximity to a yarn/craft store again. i want to knit an afghan, but can't because i have a very limited amount of yarn while deployed. as soon as i get back to the states, i won't have to worry about running out of yarn. if i do, i can just go to the store and buy more. awesome.
okay, so....i'm done. i have to finish an assignment for this dumb class i am taking. f*in gross......
i added a lot of new pictures today....check them out...