This is posted as my background picture on my desktop of my wonderful new laptop. i heart new electronics. especially ones that allow me to play on the internet. i'm in love.....
if you don't know the artist of this picutre is bad- ass andrew bell. check out his site. his characters are extra cute and very funny. i dig it.
so, it's update time, folks....
it has been snowing in afghanistani for the past couple of days. today, though, the sun has finally come out. so, of course, a bright sun + snow = a watery mess every where. the ground doesn't like to soak up the water. instead the water just sits on top of it, ankle deep, waiting for our boots to soak them up. jerk water.
there are people on this camp who are stealing snowmen. i never thought i would hear of such a thing. but, last night, someone made a snowman, only to have it taken apart, rolled away, and set up in front of the hootch that it was orginally sitting behind. who steals snowmen !?! who ever did wasn't very smart because they left their tracks in the snow. regardless, there are three snowmen sitting by the road, and it makes me very happy to see. it reminds me of being home, and brings about a little bit of holiday cheer that is lacking here.
speaking of holiday cheer, my mother is awesome.....i asked her to put together nice little stockings for my team. she went all out and bought presents, made fudge, and lots of candy. so far, i have recieved four out of the twelve boxes she sent full of holiday goodness. one box was full of gifts for me, and another one had only a couple. i won't lie, i have opened some. she bought me nintendo ds games and a case for it, plus a MP3 player. i also opened the cozy pants and scarf set she sent me. it's cold here, i need those. i just want to open all of my presents. i don't think they will last until christmas.
it's so f*ing nice to play on my own computer.......
this is the life......