so lastof9 and I have been together for a year today. It's so random. I must let you know that it started out as just a fuck type thang. We met a year ago this evening and I took him home the first night (eek! I had never done anything like that before - you know, fuck on the first meeting - but it worked...
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congrats on your anniversary
It's been the best first year EVAR! It lets me know that the rest of our time together will be equally as great. love Time went by sooooo quick and has been sooooo much fun - no lie.

Great new pic on your profile - very hot kissie face! kiss

new profile pic - dunno what I think of it - I was bored, and fooling around. It's so hot in my room. Hot and uncomfortable - it got warm and the dorm didn't turn the air on - BASTARDS.

I think I'll take a cold shower - and not for those sexy or shall I say sex-free reasons most people do. Although I am...
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that's a shame. Beth is one of the most respectable people I know. She is really standup.
I think a card dropped off at the office would be great or if you wanted to get a group of other students together you could buy some flowers. The second option would require knowldege of the funeral location though. BTW, Deadiquette? Fantastic word!

It's cool that you are trying something new with the profile picture but I have to say I am favoring the boob shot from before. Not that you have to change back but I know you could create an even better picture.

I want a new pic. NEW profile picture. Maybe I'll get all glamed up and take one with the webcam - glam is the key key key - it's just such a funny size, isn't the pic a funny size -rectangular sorta.

Holy rockballs - has any one else used that one before? EW GROSS. Someone just sneezed in class and it sounded massively WET....
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Yay a new pic! The one you have now is cool but you take such great pictures I wish I could see a new one of you everyday. So you can file this one in the gallery and show us more. Do it, you're a natural. Maybe we need to see how hot this outfit is that you are talking about. biggrin

love ya

Aaah, I do not!!! Stop it! tongue
Fave thing to do in crim law: Update this page. Why? Class is entirely socratic - no lecture whatsoever. Let's see - the class is set up so that I read the book and look at how other courts interpreted criminal statutes in their jurisdiction. The prof gives out problems in fake jurisdictions and then we say how we think they should interpret the statute...
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Ha! Yes, it's true. scott47's band (Horace Pinker) was opening up for them, and he totally hooked it up. And this is why we are still friends to this day.

And thanks for the birthday wishes! smile
Hey fellow jersey girl. Just wanted to encourage you to go ahead and get those nipple peircings. I have big tits too and I'm getting mine done this summer as well, but vertical we can bitch about the healing process together .
shock me shock me, but I actually left the house at night. On a friday. Fucking hell - the world has gone insane.

For those of you not in the know - I don't go out a whole lot here in Camden. It's partially to do with that esquire training - it's a real bitch and I study hard and try to do my best....
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your career is all about you....i despise about 50% of the people that i work with...but the kids i have they keep going and that other 50% that include my friends in school..the good thing is when you finish your degree you probably won't have to see them ever..........anyway...
it is always cool to read your journal....i love erect nipples too..
besos.. kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss F EL SUICIDO LOCO
Funny thing about careers is that people say - 'Hi I'm a welder.' or 'Yo, I'm a taxidermist'. Then the people they meet tag on what they expect a person from that profession is supposed to be like. I can't see people doing that to you, though. If I were just to meet you, I'd think you're the chick with the mischievous spark in her eye or the chick singing the 'I Love Cheese' song at the grocery store. I don't put it past you to intimidate people when you are in badass legal mode either! wink
I have 2 years of school left.
I am in my second year of nursing. I can exit out next year with a diploma or do 2 years for a degree.
I give my self treats to be able to continue in school - it is either get the tattoos and carry one with school or don't get the tattoo and feel like I am missing out on life and quite. I look at the tattoo now as being a pro active way of staying in school.
Hahaha - does anyone other than me believe this shit I just spouted?

Thanks... it make me a little better!

Lovelly green!

oh my god oh my god.

"The court was trying to determine if the Texas statute banning homosexual sodomy, was...well....was flaccid - if it could be permitted."

Who said that quote? That's a good one.

sometimes I update this thing from class. now is such a time. and I had to post cause there's a chick in a turquoise sweatsuit - you know, hooded jacket and the pants, with her pants tucked into those - um - ug boots? the ones with the fuzziniess on the inside. It's crazy how people dress - like too many trends in one outfit....
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I have so much love for tylenol PM. it is a fabulous fabulous piece of work and I would marry it if lastof9 hadn't already promised me (promised, no bling yet, but rumor has it I might get it by the time they dub me esquire).

One of my letters of rec. was received, meaning I'm just a tad bit closer to re-calling Florida my...
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Hey thanx for the help. I'll be using that site for sure.
I think the web site idea is a good one. Although you don't need a project like that coming up on the end of the semester. Maybe when you're a 2L or over the summer.

Regarding the picture: funny thing about that is you'd think that maybe it was a case of bad timing but that is Leanimal's happy dance. It's the best happy dance EVER!

You rock, babe.

vices - updated. I realized there will only be 3 thorns in my side this summer, and those are them. Why is this? Because summer is PERFECT, excluding those 3 little fucks that may potentially get in the way of me becoming superduper freakin hot. Not that I'm not you know, super freakin hot now, but the duper will be reclaimed this summer. Cause it's...
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Hey thanx, I am going to Philly for the Wizard World Comic Convention (yea I am big dork) but I was looking for some other fun stuff to do (ie. Fun bars, clubs, restaurants, strip clubs and stores) we know about the historical stuff like independence hall and all that but just looking for some other cool stuff. Thanx for any help you can give.
Are you going to the ball friday?
The boooooooyfriend - who got me this account by the way - please thank him for bringing me to the wonderful world of SG - has signed up as well - he wanted to look at pretty girls too. Yay for lastof9!

Gee, Tim's done a lot of SG for me - went with me to my 2nd show, bought me the calendar, gift...
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Hey hotness ~

Thanks for laying out the welcome mat. Funny thing about going to that second S.G. show was before we knew each other we attended the same S.G. too. See, we were supposed to meet and end up here!

Love ya,