So, who else enjoyed yesterday's multiple SG sets. I'm still recuperating love James and Anima's set was SO hot. I think i'm dehydrated from all the drooling. Reminded me of why James is one of my favorite SG's ever! It sure gave me something to be thankful for wink
SG realy kicked down! wink
Meh...I'm bored. There is nothing going on tonight. The people i'm chilling with tonight are sitting on my floor playing Magic the Gathering. Hmm...Miss_Dev maybe that makes me the queen of the nerds wink
I've never played that? Is it one of those turn based card game thingees?

Being queen of the nerds is a good thing....you can make them all do your bidding! wink
hahahaha I havn't played MtG for aaages smile
Was feeling creative today and was messing around with the magnetic poetry i keep by my desk. Came up with this.

I hold you.
We kiss slowly.
Your taste on my lips
makes me dizzy,
drunk on love.
We go to bed
with fevered skin
and playful words
We soar together,
playing through the night
Our deep kisses like honey
in hot wet eternity
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School is really starting to get to me. The bureaucracy involved in picking classses for next semester is intense.
Tentative schedule for next year (until my advisor fucks with it again) is as follows

Honors 191 Dean's Book
Statistics 111 Elementatry Statistics
Physics 190Q Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
English 200 Seminar Literary Studies
English 132 Gender, Sexuality, Literature and Culture

Thanksgiving break can't come soon...
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Holy crap...you're not kidding around with those classes. Don't be afraid to take something easy to give your brain a rest. Damn girl, are you going to invent nuclear fusion generators or something?? wink