Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse...more fucking stress!!! AAAAHHHhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Stress sucks... my level has been going up an awful lot in the last few days....

I guess it's all good that it's been work related rather than personal but.... that's just a longer term stress waiting to blossom
We suck at being broken up. I keep fingering the 7 key then stopping and reminding myself that I am no longer entitled to his attention. I hate the decision that I had to make more and more every day. I know ths is the right thing, but all I want to do is rest in teh crook of his shoulder and feel like i...
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OK! I cannot offer any help on your relationship, your studies, nor anything else. But I will say, great and sexy pics love love Feel free to post more!
I feel for ya, me and her just broke up after 6 years. I feel like shit, but i was going insane. It will be better. ARRR!!!
Right around 12 hours until i get my nipple pierced. I eventually ended up deciding on the left one base on the face that my boyfriend always goes for the right one first. I shall be posting pics as soon as i have them. I'll prob do a healing journal too. I can't wait, I'm wicked excited.
twas a gooooood day! lol
heh, i have the left one done, and a girl i'm seeing has it too. i like the way it looks, but i usually go for her right tit now when i just want to taste *her*.
Me and my best friend Miss_Dev decided today that sometime the next week we are going to take a trip out to Mom's Tattoo in Amherst. Each of us is getting one of our nipples pierced, not both because I would be seriously depressed if both of them were out of commission at the same time, Once the first heals I'll probably go back for...
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I say left. Although, I don't know if that's with the freckle or not.. Hmmm....on second thought, I'd say get the one with the freckle done. Then, you'd have one original, and one decorated!
Lying, unreliable, irresponsible, emotionally absentee, uncaring, stoner guys suck.

Thats no good atall...not this near to christmas.

Hope things go better for you.

(sending you hugs)
Yeah they do...sigh...people suck sometimes I tell you frown
School is over for the semester! I took my last final at 8 this morning, went back to my room, wrote my last essay, got on a bus home, got picked up at south station and driven directly to my first day back at work...for an 8 hour shift. Moving back in with my family for the winter is going to be difficult. I know...
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Kill me now...between now and December 15th I have to
-Write an 8 page research paper on the Old Chapel
-Do a community project on women's sexual health
-Write a 3 page evaluation of the effectiveness of my womens sexual health community project
-Write a 7 page paper on the affects of war on reformation of political and social structures as it applies to dystopian...
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Maybe because looking at naked ladies is way more fun?

And besides....isent looking at pictures of naked ladies good for your sexual health? and as such could be seen as part of your community project?
Good luck on that, just keep focused, while I will not tell you NOT to look at naked ladies, lol, you will have more time to sit and enjoy them after exams smile

You don't want your self blaming the pretty ladies for not doing well do you tongue
My last piercing (my rook) is pretty much healed. So now i'm bored and trying to figure out where i should get my next hole poked. I already have 3 holes in each lobe and (as mentioned before, a rook) The only things that are out of the question are navel and eyebrow. So I want your opinion...what do i pierce next?
That would be a drawback.... what about one of those cute little nose studs?
Actually a nose stud would look cute on you.
Congratulate me, I'm finally employed! I went to college telling myself i'd get a job but my schedule was so spread out that is was hard to have any availability...plus I'm on a campus with 20,000 other students and there's so much competition for jobs. But when I go home for winter break I'm getting my job back at Hot Topic. I'm excited because I...
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yayayya discount abuse! hahah
Warning!!! Do not go see Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny unless you are under the influence of drugs. I doubt that it will be funny. I saw it last night while high and it was wonderful. Pure comic genius! I giggled for 2 hours straight. However, in observing the audience it was very easy to determine who was fucked up andwho wasn't. Anyone...
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Gasp! I must say that I won't go see a movie just because Jack Black is in it, but Tenacious D as a band is wicked funny.
now all I need is to find someone to get me high! tongue