Whoa so that earthquake just went on, and on... and on. I always feel sick after earthquakes for some reason.
I guess it was a 6.9 in Baja California, Mexico. It didn't really shake too much but my building wobbled for what felt like forever.
In other news... I spent a little time in the sun yesterday at a friends house and got burnt! Not good =( I hope It doesn't leave weird tan blobs! Leandra + sun = not a good mix.
I guess it was a 6.9 in Baja California, Mexico. It didn't really shake too much but my building wobbled for what felt like forever.
In other news... I spent a little time in the sun yesterday at a friends house and got burnt! Not good =( I hope It doesn't leave weird tan blobs! Leandra + sun = not a good mix.
>.< im excited too
it was victor JM