New set!!! VERDUGO in member review right now! Thank you soooo much to everyone who has left a lovely comment!! It's very much appreciated. This set means a lot to me, I really do believe it's my best yet. A lot of planning and time went into this and I would really love to see it live!
It's doing good! But let's get it live stop by and check it out if you haven't, and if you have stop by again?
I hope everyone is doing great, I am super excited.
You're the best and I love your set
If I remember correctly, you not only picked your wedgie multiple times but you mooned those kids too. Accidentally. I think a couple young boys' BALLS dropped that day. You've made 'em men prematurely!
We will ALWAYS have the Reverse Piggyback. Ah, memories. We must make more!
Don't you know? You save the best for last. DUH.
Hate Always,
Your American Idol,