my fiance is annoying me. why won't he go and get me some cold water and silence? wink haha

i am so fuckkin tired. eeek
Shouldn't a non-wide-eyed icon be used to denote tired?

This guy tongue looks a bit more yawn-y.
wink wink new set wink wink
sorry i've been away from SG. my life has been totally crazy the past couple of weeks. i've been stressed out for a couple of reasons: my upcoming wedding (having to hear my mom bug me about the invitations...woman, i have 4 months until the wedding!), moving out of my parents' house (dan and i just signed the papers for our condo), and the friggin'...
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kiss what I said earlier, too (LJ) wink
how did the surgery go?

this is one big bitch sorry jay is my roomie/ex FYI

so i was told my front seal on my trans was bad
so Saturday i start taking the things off around the trans (drive shaft starter) that i can get off with out jays help he get home all pist cuz i started taking things apart with out him I'm like OK what ever so i go in brake open my rum and sit in the computer room most of the night tell 2 i think Sunday we get up (830)eat cold pizza for breakfast get to work get all the bolts out and go to lower the trans with 2 jacks half way down the fucking thing drops jay gets all pist so I'm like take a brake now(in my head or I'm going to fucking kill you) so we go to the bank and mickeyds come home it takes almost 2 hours to get the damn seal to go in right woo hoo get to put it back together 4 hrs latter its 10 at night and I'm laying under my truck with a light trying to get the starter back on jays sitting at the computer bitching at me threw the damn window so I'm all pist off then i drop the damn starter and smash my middle finger (starter about 20-30 lbs) 10:45 finally done its running SWEET so i take it for a drive to make sure its not making any strange noises its not good so i come in the house and jays jerking off to some freaky porn i roll my eyes and go start the wash because his lazy ass couldn't do it i come up stares and hes in the shower grrr I'm covered head to toe in grease i should have taken a pic hehe and hes been in the house for an hour WTF finally my turn shower get out and hes looking at porn again what the fuck I'm sleepy so i go in his room lock the door and go to bed hehe piss me off I'll lock you out of your own room fall asleep at 230 get up at 6 45 damn i did not want to get up so i go to work park go get my stuff come out look under the truck and THE FUCKING THING IS STILL LEAKING OMG am i pist all that for nothing

after work i went and had yuppie coffee with jess my best friend we are sitting in the park and this cute BCB is taking pic of the flag then walks over to us and asks if he can take some pic of us for one of his classes so we say at almost the same time "i look like shit but sure" so we just sat and talked and he walked around us taking pic then asked if we could move and sit in the grass with are backs to the sun it was alot of fun we are so dumb we never asked him for his name but hes going to bring jess copys of the pic so maybe i will see him again
the rest of my night has sucked other then talking to a friend on yahoo i really wish i had the $ to move
inkkedbutterflys made my day. her photoset made me go biggrin and miao!! !
i'm hot, i'm tired, and i am very, very sore...i spent a lot of time climbing and hiking and walking this weekend, so this was a most wonderful way to relax. wink love kiss
its thursday where are you whats going on i miss you kiss
i dunno why, but whenever i get a crush on a guy nowadays, he's always gay. NOT that i am looking, mind you, as i am engaged, but i just find that fact interesting.

girls, however...i like 'em gay or straight, lol
I blame Queer Eye - suddenly it's like showing up in a stained undershirt to the first date isn't GOOD enough or something...

BTW, hi and welcome. I noticed Cheech's 'introduction' of you on his journal a while back and meant to stop by and say hello. I drift in and out here, but you can find me more regularly on LJ as 'dikaiosunh.'
it's the liberal media subverting our culture!

blame clinton!

(see journal entry marked 17 may 2004 for explanation)

(end sarcasm)

[Edited on May 27, 2004 1:43AM]
mothafucka cicadas are totally after me. i think they sense that i hate their red, beady eyes and their enormous body...they follow me around, making their buzzing sound, knowing that they are scaring me. damn bugs!! mad
them things are scarry looking
the only bugs i like are butterflys and dragonflys wink

I have but seen two... the second one hit my window on 395, and I have to admit, the effect is a little like being hit by an Exocet missile, minus the carnage. No carnage, but it is unsettling.
i can't believe that i slept about 12 hours last night. guess my body really needed it. and i'm still tired, too. it feels like mono, all over again.
hi i'm dumb sorry i had you on my list 2 time so i tryed to take one of the off and it deleated both of them frown i'm sorry that happends to me alot when i sleep to much it sucks
My body refuses to get sleep, no matter how hard I try... I went to bed at 10 last night... I woke up at 4:30! Got a piddly little sleep after that. My body is just like- "be exhausted, stupid." Stupid body!
i think i wood feel the same way i hate when people say we need to talk i'm always like what the fuck did i do now
I'm at work, but I did turn on pictures briefly to see this raging kangaroo. He's a lil like Dolph in Rocky IV, no?
oy. i am so bored. leave me love love
'ello, love! love smile
i know i saw that smiley in a thread and i almost choked on my soda laughing so hard. and here's the lovin' that you asked for.

do you get those moments where you're so horny...but you can't take care of...*ahem*...business?

yeah, i experienced one of those earlier.

i'm still a little horny, but i'm also wondering just where to peruse for my *ahem* enjoyment. miao!!
I'm not that horny anymore... I mean, not like just at any old time. Not really at work ever. Only when I have time to take care of business, really. whatever

Oh god, the news is on my TV and... I just hate to hear Bush's voice!! I don't care what he's saying (I think it's actually fairly respectable this time, some tribute ceremony to police), that voice makes me insane! mad blackeyed
Ha-I left a ditty about coming to say hello to you on Cheech Mclouds journal and then forgot to follow through blush
so Hello! welcome to digital flesh box
it just hit me today that, in a little less than 5 months i will be married! i can't believe i am getting married in 5 months...where has the time gone?? even bigger than that...i can't believe i've been dating someone for longer than 6 months. biggrin

my ex, cheech, was the person who got me hooked on this site. the more i see of...
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if you lived closer i'd do that same for you biggrin kiss