Well, I am back; only due to the extreme kindness of my dear friend Providencia. You rock baby; big thanks.
It is officially summer break. The kids and I are all collecting our golden hues. I worked this afternoon at the beer store. Now we are off to go explore the beach and check out the fireworks. I will fill out this thing more diligently later. Hope everyone is having a good Canada Day!
Ciao babies!

It is officially summer break. The kids and I are all collecting our golden hues. I worked this afternoon at the beer store. Now we are off to go explore the beach and check out the fireworks. I will fill out this thing more diligently later. Hope everyone is having a good Canada Day!
Ciao babies!

Cool. Glad that shit is working out for you. Take care out there and hit me now and then just to let me know you're alive. k?
hiya. long time no see