Bond: Explosive

Hmm, Cant say I like this as much as the older albulms, seems to have lost a lot of edge. But I havent really kranked it all the way to eleven yet, Isn't it odd, how music changes according to the volume, something, middling and crap suddenly becomes a multi layered spectrum or force.


Anyway, I still got it.

Today I was...
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hehe you should have done a happy dance all the way down the street.

You sent me a message again on msn when I wasn't there. Sorry! I was watching ali g!
I had a weekend of hobbits

friday night:- Took Mantrap back to her parents, in gloucester.. Basically the Shire.

Went to Watch Triple xXx 2. which was great as It had xzibit, trying not to laugh, and ice cube. Who is short, So he looked like an Angry Hobbit with a gun, and a grenade launcher. (went with DaggerGirl, had a chat about...
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if only hobbits were real smile

dagggergirl seems weird. maybe dont go the next time she asks you round, if she is giving you mixed signals.

I got your messages the other day that you left on msn but I wasnt around to reply to you at the time. you said you were off to see kylie but I thought you meant your car! sorry about that!

tell me your idea biatch!
Kylie T-Minus 6 hours

Was thinking about going on the pull at the Kylie Gig Tonight... Then realised that in fact that I will actually be trying to actively avoid being pulled.

*puts cowboy hat, BACK on the hat rack*

meh! I want to Go shopping in Camden, the local shop is poo. And I do not look good in skirts.
ryn: yeah but I was just watching series 6 of sex and the city and carrie gets dumped via post-it note! Now THAT is north sea ish.
Downward Spiral
Well today marks the end of a chapter. Last night, Dagger Girl and I went our seperate ways.
Its all quite perplexing to me a s the day before we were discussing what outfits she wanted me to see her in next, A Trip to Paris(!!!) and how well everything was going.

24 hours later, Thats it. el finito.

The reason? Well, there...
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aww I'm sorry that it ended frown

Are you okay?

I'll reply to your email at some point over the weekend smile

Yeah, Last night I ended up down at the Swan with Cazz, Am, Mark and dagger girl amongst others. We made up the LOUD corner.

and Cazzy farted on my leg.

It was quite funny at the time, and we both ended up laughing for about 15 minutes, while Daggergirl and Jamie looked on increduously at our antics.

then afterwards it was wild things...
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This sh*t is bannanas

ahh...! seven days off.

IS it me or is the new Gwen stefani albulm a not very good BiS rip off?

I mean I liked BiS and their rather strange eclectic but buzzy pop, but this seems veeeeery close. Hmf.

I was going to write something a *little* more profound, but that will have to wait till later.

haha liked your note.

When are yu next online?? Can we talk about the set some more? I am getting really excited about it!
hey you!

Okay, I won't be around after six as I am off out (stupid conflicting schedules!!) the best time to find me online will be sunday onwards as I will be back at uni and will be online ALL THE TIME! (we students do that!)

So yes...aw I'm glad you've had lots of ideas and things! Me too! Maybe email them to me if you have time? Or else I'll catch you online sometime soon.

Hope work is okay! And that it isnt raining where you are because it sure is miserable here!

Sixty minutes till the girl with purple hair

Hey! Thanks for dropping by people, Big pink and fluffies to the one they call Iris2004

Quick update, went sword shopping, Its amazing what you can find under railway arches in north west london.
Well its march, that makes things good, It's the day, after the day that the sun comes out, and all the temperatures change around, and you see people really confuused wandering the street either in a T-shirt, shorts and soaked to the skin due to a passsing torrential rain shower, Or Soeone dressed in so much "north Face" Extreme yeti gear, they look like they...
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hey, welcome to the site kiss
Vents 3/6/2005

Hmm, simpsons on in 5 minutes, be back after that, then got a load of stuff to write down.

Not that I can actuallly remember what any of it was.

also that big list of stuff to do in the last entry?

Still havent done it yet


...Several hours later
Right of slightly more pressing concern is the fact that I cant seem...
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hello you!! smile