WOW! I can actually get on today! What a fine start to the day. Yeah, yesterday sucked. I couldn't get on at all.;; and then i had to go to bed so that I could work overtime last night. 3rd shift OT is the worst becasue not only is it 3rd shift but it's on Friday night so in actuality I never get a day off since I get home at 7 am saturday and have to go back to work on Sunday night at 10 pm. OH woe is me...
I've joined another group to showcase a couple future sets that don't really meet some requirements of Suicide Boys. It's Equal+Oppornudity. Go check it out to see some more of me in the near future. I'll let you know when something's there but in the meantime you can check out other's naked goodness. I've attached a teaser from a set that will have to go somewhere other than SuicideBoys sincethere aren't many pix of my face in them...
In the meantime i'm smoking my cigs and drinking my IcyTea contemplating whether or not to go on a "friendship drive." Unlike MySpace where 90% of my friends n my friends list I actually know I don't know very many of you and am unsure if i should just randomly start accosting fellow SGers to be friends with leadboy. Or should I just wait and let all the people come to me like suitors in Victorian England? Shit, maybe I really am shy...
I've joined another group to showcase a couple future sets that don't really meet some requirements of Suicide Boys. It's Equal+Oppornudity. Go check it out to see some more of me in the near future. I'll let you know when something's there but in the meantime you can check out other's naked goodness. I've attached a teaser from a set that will have to go somewhere other than SuicideBoys sincethere aren't many pix of my face in them...
In the meantime i'm smoking my cigs and drinking my IcyTea contemplating whether or not to go on a "friendship drive." Unlike MySpace where 90% of my friends n my friends list I actually know I don't know very many of you and am unsure if i should just randomly start accosting fellow SGers to be friends with leadboy. Or should I just wait and let all the people come to me like suitors in Victorian England? Shit, maybe I really am shy...
Lead and hazardous you make batteries or something? Or maybe it's something more sinister and top-secret...
sinister batteries for a top-secret battery maker