i lost my new sunglasses, my bus pass, all in the same day. also recently i lost my favorite umbrella!!! and a scarf too. i hate losing things.
why are wheat thins so fucking good??? is it all the hydorgenated oil?????
i don't have a prom dress yet & i think i can't really afford to get a new one. thrift store ahoy!!
i'm cracked out from not sleeping
all i really want to do is try to go back to school again in the fall but i have no idea how i'll ever afford it.
i lost my new sunglasses, my bus pass, all in the same day. also recently i lost my favorite umbrella!!! and a scarf too. i hate losing things.
why are wheat thins so fucking good??? is it all the hydorgenated oil?????
i don't have a prom dress yet & i think i can't really afford to get a new one. thrift store ahoy!!
i'm cracked out from not sleeping
all i really want to do is try to go back to school again in the fall but i have no idea how i'll ever afford it.


im pretty sure i could mow through an entire box.
might be the oil, i hear that stuff is pretty bad for ya.