since last time we spoke, i went to new york, and came back. and had about 3,295,843,985 revelations. they were really good revelations. i can only remember a couple of them now.
i very much love NYC and miss it a lot. my oliver is still there, without me. sad! he will be back soon.
SF is rainy and bleh, i have a shitload of backed up work here, and i'm feeling a little outside of myself. questioning, again, why i do what i do for money. geek work. i always feel at odds with it.
i very much love NYC and miss it a lot. my oliver is still there, without me. sad! he will be back soon.
SF is rainy and bleh, i have a shitload of backed up work here, and i'm feeling a little outside of myself. questioning, again, why i do what i do for money. geek work. i always feel at odds with it.