Chopping wood, chopping wood, it is cold so chop some wood! If anything existed that could make me feel better it would be that. (Of course I'm hopeless.)
Imagine the kick it would be to set up a chopping block and stack a cord up on the rooftop! Comment chic!
You could wear the latest ScoPac duds and feel the power of a man-size chainsaw ripping through some thick madrone logs. Then feel the tensions melt away as you pound the living h-e-double-hockeysticks out of the blocks with your trusty log-splitter. All the while your neighbors are like, "Who's that burly lumberjack girl? Damn, I gots to get me some a dat!"
but i sent you an e-mail!
is everything ok?
i feel pretty rotten today too.
i mean, i feel rotten a LOT of the time but today there is no reason for it. you do when you're sick and you finally go outside and the light makes you kind of nausiated.
maybe i need to listen to some music and clean my apartment or draw or sew or something.
Imagine the kick it would be to set up a chopping block and stack a cord up on the rooftop! Comment chic!
You could wear the latest ScoPac duds and feel the power of a man-size chainsaw ripping through some thick madrone logs. Then feel the tensions melt away as you pound the living h-e-double-hockeysticks out of the blocks with your trusty log-splitter. All the while your neighbors are like, "Who's that burly lumberjack girl? Damn, I gots to get me some a dat!"
is everything ok?
i feel pretty rotten today too.
i mean, i feel rotten a LOT of the time but today there is no reason for it. you do when you're sick and you finally go outside and the light makes you kind of nausiated.
maybe i need to listen to some music and clean my apartment or draw or sew or something.