hello, the black death is almost gone!!!!!
Did your girl ever apply to be an SG? If so, what happened? Details!

Don't forget the official SG after Prom in Cleveland on the 22nd of May! Your not too far!

Check out the details here!

Sometimes I get so upset about stupid stuff, i know it's stupid, but it just lingers. I just don't now how to handle everything or even what to think sometimes.

life can be cruel sometimes.
So it's really not a big deal if my gf wants to be an sg girl.

1. I get to take the pictures
2. it makes her feel good
3. great sex after pictures
4. she really wants to
5. i don't feel like a big asshole

1. Every one can see her naked
2. ??????????

well i guess thats it, but i...
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Hey man, thanks for the complement on my name. But actually, Diabolus in musica refers to the musical interval of an Augmented 4th or Diminished 5th, also called a tritone. The name literally means "the devil in music" because back when most music was composed for the church, they found that interval to be very "dissonant" or harsh sounding, they thought it was satanic, and therefore forbade anyone to use it.
hey, I don't know about purple haze, I have to go dig that cd out, but for a real good example of a tritone, think of the simpsons song in the begining of the show, the part that goes "The Simp..." From "The" to "Simp..." is a tritone. And dont worry if you arent into to tech. side of music, its all about having fun.
I think i have the black death, My whole family is sick so we all are a mess.

The snow is coming down in ohio today, i wouldn't mind winter if it wasn't so damn cold.

Thanks for the advice to everyone....
So i decided i don't want everyone to see my girlfriend naked, and i don' t really like "harmless flirtting". Privacy is ok, i just didn't know it would be like this. So does this make me the worlds biggest asshole???????

I know no one is going to write me back so this is pretty much written to my self, but some feed back would...
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It doesn't make you an asshole at all. It makes you what about ninety-five percent of us are: a little bit jealous, a little bit insecure.
so many hard feelings over a web site,

not worth fighting about

[Edited on Dec 16, 2003 9:38PM]
So i decided i don't everyone to see my girlfriend naked, and i don' t really like "harmless flirtting". Privacy is ok, i just didn't know it would be like this. So does this make me the worlds biggest asshole???????

I know no one is going to write me back so this is pretty much written to my self, but some feed back would make...
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It doesn't make you the "biggest asshole", but if you trust your girl then you shouldn't worry. If anything you should be proud that she is comfortable with herself to show her body. I know I would never be that comfortable with myself (not that anybody would want to see me naked). Don't feel bad, that's just the way you feel about it. The privacy thing is a big issue. If you violate anybody's privacy (not just your girl's) then that is very wrong. We all need our privacy at times. Oh well, that's just my opinion if it matters. Later.
Hello every one. I don't think any one is goind to write but thats ok. lifes been hard lately. Things are going well now though. i haven't had enough time to explore many of the people on the site yet but trixie is definatly my fav so far. The holidays bring as much greif as joy. today i was remembering in my youth how they...
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your holidays are terrible now because your girlfriend is a mean a hatefull wench. so there. wink
Hows It goin everybody. I'm excited to have an sg membership of my own. The girl I live with has one so i got to see all the great pictures but didn't interact
welcome welcome