It's been a rough few days for the wife and I, we have gotten to the point where i left and she took off her rings, all this becuase i dont have a huge paying job even though i continue to look for it, now i know i have to get a good job to support us i want to so im not innocent in all this. She works for assholes who treat her like Dirt and she is tired and feels she has to do it all herself.. But we have talked and once agian im looking for maybe a goverment job or something to that effect to get me over this hump, i love her but she says if i loved her then it wouldnt have gotten to this point, i KNOW i love her but it just hard to get this great job in this area, but i wont give up and ill keep trying. So im back home now and hopefully this will be the last time ever this happens
whoah!! sounds has broken up a few people I know. Hope you two are working on it....