In honour of a rainy topic, I thought it'd be best to do this one on a rainy day (aka today)! Rainy days are my absolute favourite! It's honestly the perfect time to catch up at home and stay comfy with the pups. Here's my go to list on a rainy day:
1. Make yourself a tea
Because who doesn't love a nice hot tea on a miserable day?
2. Tunes!
I literally always blast music throughout my house on a rainy day, helps me get into cleaning mode plus I get to foolishly dance around my house in my underwear (it's definitely a win-win hehe)!
3. Cleaning/Re-organizing
Something about cleaning and reorganizing on a gross day makes me feel super productive and helps me overall feel a bit better about being indoors all day. A clean/clutter free house makes for a happy me!
4. Make something delicious
My guiltiest pleasure on a raining day is hands down food! Whether it's PIZZA (my favourite food ever), donairs, pasta, chicken wings, something sweet - I will eat whatever the heck I want because it's a comfy day indoors and thats what I wanna do! They don't give comfort food that name for no reason!
5. Watch movies in bed with the animals!
I usually love to end off a rainy day with a couple of movies and my snuggle babies in bed - I have a german shep/mountain dog, a pitbull, a bombay cat as well as a maine coon! Wouldn't trade cuddling them on rainy days (or any days) for the world.