I went to see 'An Undisputed Truth' today and you'll never get me to believe that Al Gore is not campaigning for the Presidency again (yay yay yay yay). Only problem is, there are too many morons in the States who like voting for their own kind, so the present President's brother would be right up their alley. Too many morons in too many responsible positions. And too many morons in general. Wish I could say the same isn't true in Canada. After all, the new government doesn't seem to have any allegiance to Kyoto and they also want to vote on same-sex marriage again, even though that's already law.
I'm reading a biography of Kaiser Wilhelm II. I don't know why. I hadn't realized up until this year that he lived in the Netherlands until he passed away in 1941, dying while the Netherlands was occupied by the Nazis.
I saw a dvd set of Twin Peaks Season One at a pawn shop today for only $25.00. It was such a good price that I almost bought it, even though I already own it. That would have been pretty stupid.
I wish I wasn't so neurotic.
I can't remember if I said this already, but I'm thinking of boycotting this summer's Big Brother because of Julie Chen's incompetent hosting. She makes me throw things at the TV with her fucking airhead questions and slow reactions. I guess it pays off to sleep with the boss.
Why doesn't some tell Arnold how to pronounce California correctly?
Why doesn't someone tell Jay Leno that nuclear is pronounce nuclear, not nucular? Or perhaps Jay thinks the President is always right. He certainly thinks Arnold is always right.
I fucking hate soccer, World fucking Cup or not. There is no more boring sport to watch, in my mind.
Hockey game tonight.
Treasure Hunters starts tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that.
I've become obsessed with buying all the Apollo missions Nasa archival footage dvds that were released a couple of years ago I think. Other than on Amazon.ca, I can't find them anywhere. I have Apollos 8,11,12 & 15, and I've ordered Apollos 7,10,16 & 17 plus Project Gemini. Apollos 9 & 13 are available from some sellers in the States, way overpriced (plus duty and taxes) and I can't find anything about Apollo 14 on dvd anywhere. I plan to take a week off work in the winter and watch them all at once.
I maintain that landing on the moon is one of humankind's greatest accomplishments, and only 68 years after the first flight. And it wasn't just to America's credit; if the Soviets hadn't been pushing them, it never would have happened. And look what's happened since: endless circles around the planet.
I'm going to go see the IMAX movie 'Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D' tomorrow.
Those sudoku puzzles rule. It's become a tossup as to whether I like them better than crossword puzzles and logic problems now. Or maybe it's just a phase I'm going through. Another thing related to my neurotically obsessive nature, or is it obsessively neurotic nature? No compulsiveness in there, though, I don't think.
I'm reading a biography of Kaiser Wilhelm II. I don't know why. I hadn't realized up until this year that he lived in the Netherlands until he passed away in 1941, dying while the Netherlands was occupied by the Nazis.
I saw a dvd set of Twin Peaks Season One at a pawn shop today for only $25.00. It was such a good price that I almost bought it, even though I already own it. That would have been pretty stupid.
I wish I wasn't so neurotic.
I can't remember if I said this already, but I'm thinking of boycotting this summer's Big Brother because of Julie Chen's incompetent hosting. She makes me throw things at the TV with her fucking airhead questions and slow reactions. I guess it pays off to sleep with the boss.
Why doesn't some tell Arnold how to pronounce California correctly?
Why doesn't someone tell Jay Leno that nuclear is pronounce nuclear, not nucular? Or perhaps Jay thinks the President is always right. He certainly thinks Arnold is always right.
I fucking hate soccer, World fucking Cup or not. There is no more boring sport to watch, in my mind.
Hockey game tonight.
Treasure Hunters starts tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that.
I've become obsessed with buying all the Apollo missions Nasa archival footage dvds that were released a couple of years ago I think. Other than on Amazon.ca, I can't find them anywhere. I have Apollos 8,11,12 & 15, and I've ordered Apollos 7,10,16 & 17 plus Project Gemini. Apollos 9 & 13 are available from some sellers in the States, way overpriced (plus duty and taxes) and I can't find anything about Apollo 14 on dvd anywhere. I plan to take a week off work in the winter and watch them all at once.
I maintain that landing on the moon is one of humankind's greatest accomplishments, and only 68 years after the first flight. And it wasn't just to America's credit; if the Soviets hadn't been pushing them, it never would have happened. And look what's happened since: endless circles around the planet.
I'm going to go see the IMAX movie 'Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D' tomorrow.
Those sudoku puzzles rule. It's become a tossup as to whether I like them better than crossword puzzles and logic problems now. Or maybe it's just a phase I'm going through. Another thing related to my neurotically obsessive nature, or is it obsessively neurotic nature? No compulsiveness in there, though, I don't think.
I'm a crossword puzzle girl. I haven't tried Sudoku and I probably won't. When Trev came out to TO last weekend to surprise me at the end of our tour, we spent part of our Saturday together doing the crossword in the Globe & Mail, outdoors in the park. It was fun.
Just to make this week even better, today my grandmother passed away, and I'm not sure how to feel about that. She was not a very "grandmotherly" woman, and we were not close at all. She'd been sick for some time now, and so her death was not unexpected. I feel bad that I don't feel worse about it personally. If anything, I feel worse for my grandfather, my dad and his sisters.
What a week.